Demons never bred with women, that is a lie from the book of Enoch, which is not in the Bible.
The only Spirit that could and did make a baby with a woman was God. No other spirits can do that. The angels do not procreate, they do not have a seed from their loins. There were giants in the land but no where does God say those giants came because of spirit babies.
Also we must remember that God said He created each creature after its own kind. A cow cannot mate with a horse and a cat cannot mate with a dog. Just as a spirit being cannot mate with a human.
This lie of the Nephilim was created to make God's miracle of His Spirit coming over Mary for the coming of Christ look like any spirit could do such a thing, it is blasphemy to promote such a thing.
Rejecting the cultural Christianity I grew up with to embrace and enjoy a relationship with Jesus Christ. A place to come and share thoughts about almost anything. Especially things of the Lord. Please no Anonymous posts, I enjoy knowing who is writing to me.
Monday, September 24, 2018
The Heart of the Liberal
We know the heart of the liberal, here it is in a nutshell:
Liberals are murderers and liars at heart, we know this because they lie and say a baby isn't a person so they can murder them.
See that, Lying and murdering go hand in hand.
Revelation 21:8 " 8 But to the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and sexually immoral and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their place will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This is the second death.”
There is good news, that is that even a liberal can be saved, changed into a new creation, becoming an entirely different person. When this happens to a liberal they are no longer liberal, they are loving kind and seeking truth.
Any one of them can do it by trusting in Christ, but that is the only way they can be changed.
Liberals are murderers and liars at heart, we know this because they lie and say a baby isn't a person so they can murder them.
See that, Lying and murdering go hand in hand.
Revelation 21:8 " 8 But to the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and sexually immoral and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their place will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This is the second death.”
There is good news, that is that even a liberal can be saved, changed into a new creation, becoming an entirely different person. When this happens to a liberal they are no longer liberal, they are loving kind and seeking truth.
Any one of them can do it by trusting in Christ, but that is the only way they can be changed.
Both are culpable!!!
The women should wear clothing that does not entice a man to gawk at her and the men should avoid women who are to senseless to refrain from flaunting their bodies through revealing clothing.
I notice it is taboo these days to hold the women accountable for being at drunken parties where these things could happen. The woman can dress as scantily as she pleases, flaunting her wares to be oogled at, teasing and taunting without chastisement.
I place some of the responsibility on the woman for enticing the men. However, the men should be strong enough to completely avoid a woman who taunts with her clothing.
If the men avoided the flaunting women they would soon learn their wiles don't work and maybe clean up their act.
O.K. now I await the bludgeoning that is about to happen for daring to hold accountable women who were attacked.
I do not condone attacks of any kind, however we live in a wicked world full of leches, these men will look, lust and act whenever they are given those womanly signals.
Jezebel was one of those who enticed and then destroyed. This is more common in this culture than many will admit.
To pretend women do not have lust in their hearts is as silly as saying men don't. The clothing gives them away, it tells the story of their heart and the men can see it.
If you don't want to be attacked stay away from the drunken parties, out of the bars and remain chaste in your clothing.
Those who would kick against this advice will be revealing their own heart of rebellion.
Jeremiah 8:12 "12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all, not even enough to blush. Therefore they will fall among the fallen. When I punish them, they will collapse, says the LORD. "
I notice it is taboo these days to hold the women accountable for being at drunken parties where these things could happen. The woman can dress as scantily as she pleases, flaunting her wares to be oogled at, teasing and taunting without chastisement.
I place some of the responsibility on the woman for enticing the men. However, the men should be strong enough to completely avoid a woman who taunts with her clothing.
If the men avoided the flaunting women they would soon learn their wiles don't work and maybe clean up their act.
O.K. now I await the bludgeoning that is about to happen for daring to hold accountable women who were attacked.
I do not condone attacks of any kind, however we live in a wicked world full of leches, these men will look, lust and act whenever they are given those womanly signals.
Jezebel was one of those who enticed and then destroyed. This is more common in this culture than many will admit.
To pretend women do not have lust in their hearts is as silly as saying men don't. The clothing gives them away, it tells the story of their heart and the men can see it.
If you don't want to be attacked stay away from the drunken parties, out of the bars and remain chaste in your clothing.
Those who would kick against this advice will be revealing their own heart of rebellion.
Jeremiah 8:12 "12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all, not even enough to blush. Therefore they will fall among the fallen. When I punish them, they will collapse, says the LORD. "
And We Think There is no Holocaust Here in America
This is monstrous!!!!! And we think there is no holocaust going on in our country? What!!!! The skin of the Jews in WWII was used for lamp shades and book covers. Why is this any different. By the way, those lamp shades and book covers were banned in America but were sold on the black book market up until about 30 years ago, and it is my guess they are still around.

The Hypocrisy of the Democrats
Anyone who had no sin or immorality in their life back in the 1960's, '70's and '80's please raise your hand. Everyone who has not been born again was full of sin, whether it is anything anyone can prove or not, we remained sinful.
The democrats who accuse others of lifestyles of the past, thirty years ago when they have this immorality in their lives in the present are what God calls hypocrites.
If the democrats who are accusing the Supreme Court nominee of immorality from thirty yeas ago are deeply sinful right now. They advocate the murdering of millions of babies, live in sin outside of marriage as well as divorce and remarrying. Divorce is a sin and remarriage is a double sin. God calls remarriage after divorce adultery, it remains adultery as long as the two remarrieds remain together. This is half of America today.
There is no such thing as a changed lifestyle and full forgiveness among democrats as long as the one they attack is not on their side of the aisle.
The democrats encourage and support every form of immorality while accusing others of things they either never did or have been forgiven by God.
Its the principle of removing the beam from one's own eye before accusing others of the very sin they are doing and encouraging in others.
I have met many self righteous Christians who are much like the democrats. They hold against others their sins that have been forgiven while they continue to sin in even worse ways in the present.
Democrats are narcissists to the core, they love their elevated view of self while the actual essence of their being is evil. Narcissists never see themselves in truth. There is a fantasy inside of the narcissistic democrat, the fantasy that they are special, better and righteous when in fact the opposite is true.
1 Timothy 5:19-20 "19 Do not entertain an accusation against an elder, except on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 20 But those who persist in sin should be rebuked in front of everyone, so that the others will stand in fear of sin."
Matthew 7:5-6 "? 5 You hypocrite! First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. 6 Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.…"
The dogs are trampling on the pearls of God as we speak. They lie, mock, intimidate and destroy those who have lived exemplary lives for many years, as though they themselves have never sinned.
It is clear that any accusation needs to be accompanied by witnesses who have actually seen for themselves the sin in the accused life. The democrats do not require a witness in an accusation against their opponent, only words. This is a good example of utter foolishness. Anyone can say anything, even making it sound plausible, even a little half truth thrown in to titillate the senses of the gossip mongers, setting off a firestorm of tantrum and punishment that might never have been appropriate.
Welcome to our world of injustice, gossip and words are all that are necessary in our perverted and wicked world to destroy a good person who has either never committed the crimes or who has turned from sin to be cleansed, never having repeated those things since their conversion and cleansing.
I don't know about the politicians, we have no way of knowing who perpetrated crimes against women, we cannot know we only have words without evidence. When the words of one person is all that is required without evidence, then the accusation should be dismissed as nothing more than words.
The democrats have the bad habit of piling up witnesses that have no credibility to accuse others of sins merely to keep them out of places of power. They are liars and gossip mongers and for nothing more than getting their own way, just like spoiled brats having a tantrum when Mummy says no to them.
Remember this, there is no credibility among the democrats who advocate the murdering of babies, the rights of homosexuals and the transgender crowd. When a group of people defend these sin they have no right to speak against any other sin, the beam remains in their own eyes, worse than anything they accuse others of doing.
There you have it!!!!! Yes, its my opinion but it is based on God's Word and for those of you who do not know Christ it used to be good old fashioned horse sense even for the unsaved to require real witnesses to any crime.
When we have come to Christ for cleansing our past sins may have some consequences that remain but the sin is gone, utterly and completely.
Be encouraged brothers and sisters, we are living in the end times. God said it would be that way and now we see it on steroids. The 2 Timothy 3 mentality is increasing, I am sure glad I will not be here to see it escalate in the tribulation. That will be a time of brutality and injustice the likes of which no one has ever seen before. The Holy Spirit will no longer be here to restrain evil. Yes, get that, its bad enough right now when the Holy Spirit is restraining evil, imagine when He is taken out with the church and all that is left is pure evil. Then the earth will groan with the sin upon it in a way that brings gripping and monstrous fear to everyone.
The democrats who accuse others of lifestyles of the past, thirty years ago when they have this immorality in their lives in the present are what God calls hypocrites.
If the democrats who are accusing the Supreme Court nominee of immorality from thirty yeas ago are deeply sinful right now. They advocate the murdering of millions of babies, live in sin outside of marriage as well as divorce and remarrying. Divorce is a sin and remarriage is a double sin. God calls remarriage after divorce adultery, it remains adultery as long as the two remarrieds remain together. This is half of America today.
There is no such thing as a changed lifestyle and full forgiveness among democrats as long as the one they attack is not on their side of the aisle.
The democrats encourage and support every form of immorality while accusing others of things they either never did or have been forgiven by God.
Its the principle of removing the beam from one's own eye before accusing others of the very sin they are doing and encouraging in others.
I have met many self righteous Christians who are much like the democrats. They hold against others their sins that have been forgiven while they continue to sin in even worse ways in the present.
Democrats are narcissists to the core, they love their elevated view of self while the actual essence of their being is evil. Narcissists never see themselves in truth. There is a fantasy inside of the narcissistic democrat, the fantasy that they are special, better and righteous when in fact the opposite is true.
1 Timothy 5:19-20 "19 Do not entertain an accusation against an elder, except on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 20 But those who persist in sin should be rebuked in front of everyone, so that the others will stand in fear of sin."
Matthew 7:5-6 "? 5 You hypocrite! First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. 6 Do not give dogs what is holy; do not throw your pearls before swine. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces.…"
The dogs are trampling on the pearls of God as we speak. They lie, mock, intimidate and destroy those who have lived exemplary lives for many years, as though they themselves have never sinned.
It is clear that any accusation needs to be accompanied by witnesses who have actually seen for themselves the sin in the accused life. The democrats do not require a witness in an accusation against their opponent, only words. This is a good example of utter foolishness. Anyone can say anything, even making it sound plausible, even a little half truth thrown in to titillate the senses of the gossip mongers, setting off a firestorm of tantrum and punishment that might never have been appropriate.
Welcome to our world of injustice, gossip and words are all that are necessary in our perverted and wicked world to destroy a good person who has either never committed the crimes or who has turned from sin to be cleansed, never having repeated those things since their conversion and cleansing.
I don't know about the politicians, we have no way of knowing who perpetrated crimes against women, we cannot know we only have words without evidence. When the words of one person is all that is required without evidence, then the accusation should be dismissed as nothing more than words.
The democrats have the bad habit of piling up witnesses that have no credibility to accuse others of sins merely to keep them out of places of power. They are liars and gossip mongers and for nothing more than getting their own way, just like spoiled brats having a tantrum when Mummy says no to them.
Remember this, there is no credibility among the democrats who advocate the murdering of babies, the rights of homosexuals and the transgender crowd. When a group of people defend these sin they have no right to speak against any other sin, the beam remains in their own eyes, worse than anything they accuse others of doing.
There you have it!!!!! Yes, its my opinion but it is based on God's Word and for those of you who do not know Christ it used to be good old fashioned horse sense even for the unsaved to require real witnesses to any crime.
When we have come to Christ for cleansing our past sins may have some consequences that remain but the sin is gone, utterly and completely.
Be encouraged brothers and sisters, we are living in the end times. God said it would be that way and now we see it on steroids. The 2 Timothy 3 mentality is increasing, I am sure glad I will not be here to see it escalate in the tribulation. That will be a time of brutality and injustice the likes of which no one has ever seen before. The Holy Spirit will no longer be here to restrain evil. Yes, get that, its bad enough right now when the Holy Spirit is restraining evil, imagine when He is taken out with the church and all that is left is pure evil. Then the earth will groan with the sin upon it in a way that brings gripping and monstrous fear to everyone.
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