I am dismayed at the Christians who are saying things like "he's not my president" because they don't like the outcome of an election. I heard people say this about Obama when he won the first time. Just because we don't like his character does not mean he was not our president,.
Daniel was not pleased with Nebuchadnezzar or his son, but he faithfully served him anyway because he was the king.
God commands us to show respect to our leaders even if they are not what they should be. To say we don't have to is to teach our children they don't have to respect us when we are not what they want us to be. We train more by example than by words, in other words; "more is caught than taught."
It is surprising how our attitudes and actions will be far more influential than our words when it comes to training our children. They are watching everything. If you tell them not to lie and then bring them up on Santa Clause, they will know you are lying and do the same in other situations. Children see the hypocrisy.
Just saying!!!!!