Saturday, October 1, 2022

False Prosperity Preachers and how the People of God have Bought into it!

Most Christians have been so influenced by the prosperity gospel that even though they say they don't believe in it, they live as though they believe it.
When someone gets a new car they say; "you have really been blessed." While it's true it was a blessing from God why didn't that person say this same thing when we are ill or trials come our way.
The prosperity preachers have influenced all of the churches to some degree even if they think they have not been influenced.
When we ponder for a bit the way we speak our verbiage gives us away. We even feel as though God is smiling on us when we have good things happen but think He is angry with us when we have difficult things happen.
We might even ask ourselves what we did wrong when we have trials. And think we did a good thing when God blesses us with something we like.
This thinking has been influenced by prosperity preaching even if we never listen to those false preachers. It has been brought into the church culture by others who listen to them.
God said:
Romans 8:28
"28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."
Even when hard things and terrible trials happen to us we question whether or not God is still pleased with us.
As long as we are in Christ He is pleased with us. We want to please Him because of His great love for us. His love sent His own Son to the cross to pay for our sins.
As born-again believers, all that happens to us is seen by God and allowed for our growth in holiness and strength. A runner in a competition could never do well in a race if he does not first work out hard with sweat and misery to train his body to work hard.
God places trials on us to cause us to focus on Him more, developing a complete dependence on Him for everything.
It took many years of failing and confessing sin to come to the place I would be able to trust God for all things. I am still learning and desire to trust Him more every day. The peace that comes from trusting Him, even if nothing else changes is far greater than the struggle of attempting to make changes on my own.
The times I tried to fix things my own way are the days I had no peace, even if things worked out, if God is not in it there is no peace.

THIS Is Why I Hate Prosperity Preaching.