If someone deletes or blocks us because of the gospel we will do as God said; "shake the dust from our feet.
I am not upset when God reveals the heart of a friend when they walk away because of Christ. Even when they gossip against me, I count it a blessing that those who gossip and those who listen and judge based on that gossip are revealed as ones I have no interest in being friends with, I let them go and don't look back.
I have actually had gossips come to visit me either by phone or a visit to my home merely to ask questions compelling information to twist and gossip to others.
I have had gossips come to my Facebook page to attack and then gossip, always distorting my answers and reactions. A gossip is a liar, revising what was said and done to make their target to be the bad one, even though they have no evidence we are what they wish we were.
If you are innocent of the wrongdoing you are accused of then feel free and blessed to remove those who wish to harm you, from your lives. They will keep gossiping out of frustration that they cannot control you or antagonize you. When they cannot control your emotions they will attempt to control how others view you. Anyone who listens to them is one of them and cannot be trusted.
Never give a narcissist gossiper any information and never give those who listen to the gossip any information. Do not answer questions, reveal information or inquire anything of them. They soon will get the message that you will not communicate with them and lose interest in trying to gather fodder for their gossipy friends.
Proverbs 13:20 "One who walks with wise people will be wise, But a companion of fools will suffer harm.'
Make your close companions those who love you, agree with your choice to walk with Christ, and depart from those who want to ruin you in the dust.
Matthew 10:14 "And whoever does not receive you nor listen to your words, as you leave that house or city, shake the dust off your feet."