2 Timothy 3:1-5 describes them vividly. We live in a world that can't imagine that our closest friends and relatives might be infected with this germ of narcissism, we often assume it is us, since they try to make us feel as though we did something wrong when we made an innocent statement or exposed the truth.
Our churches are full of these people whose ears are being tickled to believe they are wonderful and in no need of change. In fact the continual praising and flattery that goes on in most churches today, even if only in the cliques, causes a hyper-sensitivity to correction, criticism and instruction. Those looking on who do not know the dynanmics of narcissism will believe the narcissist who works to discredit us.
Attempting to explain to a narcissist that something is wrong that needs to change is nearly as impossible as trying to move a brick wall by banging our head into it.
Watch the video in the link to hear more about covert narcissists.