1 Corinthians 15:33 " 33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good character.”
There have been times in my life that I found myself spending more time combating the negativity that was being thrown at me, that I found myself leaning into it all.
Want to be a person who sees things in truth and loves to be joyful, then be sure to surround yourself with those who practice and love truth.
It is not negative to proclaim something as sin or to point out a problem, it is negative to bring error and contentiousness while resisting truth.
Those who must point out error are not necessarily negative, often they are attempting to fix what is wrong, I'd call that productive and positive.
The negativity comes when others will not cooperate with those who desire a solution to a problem.
These days we live in a world that calls the problem solver the negative person, when it is the one who will not work to repair the problem who is the negative one.
We are not negative for focusing on a problem to fix it, we are problem solvers, the rub is that most people are not problem solvers when it comes to spiritual matters.
If an engineer built a bridge the way some people build their spiritual lives, the bridge would fall down with the first car to drive over it. The bridge builder who does not follow the blueprints carefully is akin to the Christian who refuses to see things in truth.
Refusing to fix problems, false doctrine, relationships and wrong attitudes only leads to destruction, just as lazy engineering leads to a dangerous bridge. We may feel alright until the results of rebellion and laziness creates a disaster that cannot be repaired.
Sadly when a problem is ignored long enough, there is no longer a solution. People become weary of dealing with foolishness, they eventually will walk away to avoid the ugliness they sense will never be any different.
1 Corinthians 3:19
"For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God For it is written, "He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS";
Jeremiah 10:21
"For the shepherds have become stupid And have not sought the LORD; Therefore they have not prospered, And all their flock is scattered.