Is anyone else weary of mean people getting away with their meanness?
They do whatever they want and others remain silent so as not to enrage the mean person, but in the process the victim is without comfort.
In fact the victim is told by the perp and everyone around them that they are unloving if they don't forgive.
So, the power is given to the perp while love is withheld from the victim.
This is not Biblical, perps should experience disapproval and consequences for their hateful actions while the victim is comforted. Forgiveness is for those who are sorry, extending it to those who have been empowered to act in hateful ways by pressure on the victim is sinful.
The perps these days expect to be forgiven even if they enjoyed what they did and are not sorry. This comes from a perverted culture that demeans and mocks those who are harmed while coddling the evil person.
The devil loves this perverse version of love in the church, it lets the evil man off the hook while beating up on the righteous.
Isaiah 26:10-11 " 10Though the wicked is shown favor, He does not learn righteousness; He deals unjustly in the land of uprightness, And does not perceive the majesty of the LORD. 11O LORD, Your hand is lifted up yet they do not see it. They see Your zeal for the people and are put to shame; Indeed, fire will devour Your enemies.…"
Not only are we preaching a gospel of works in the gatherings, we are preaching a false gospel of forgiveness without repentance, by the foolish thinking that someone will be forgiven by God if they refuse to repent.
Acts 3:19
"19 Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord;"
God does not wipe away the sins of the unrepentant and neither should we, it elevates the evil one and devalues the victims.
Evil is growing in our country and our churches because it is no longer dealt with!!! It is no longer dealt with because of the mentality that we should not judge anyone's actions. Clearly this is unBiblical. Many Scriptures speak of having discernment about matters, there can be no discernment without judgment. We are told to expose the false teacher, the sinning brother and any false doctrine that enters the church gatherings. It's all in the word all over the place, just go and read it.
Stop listening to people who spout psychological jargon to control others. Listen only to the Word of God, it won't be easy for people pleasers because it will mean swimming up stream against the tide of public opinion. Truth and resolve in Christ is not for wimps.
Paul the apostle knew all about it!
2 Timothy 3:11-13 "…11 my persecutions, and the sufferings that came upon me in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra. What persecutions I endured! Yet the Lord rescued me from all of them. 12 Indeed, all who desire to live godly lives in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, 13 while evil men and imposters go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.…"
We are living in a world that knows how to schmooze when it is to their advantage to do so.
In the past few years I have encountered people who claimed to be Christian, said all the right things, even acted wonderful when in their presence, but when they were challenged about doctrine or behavior they would rage as though they could kill if they could get away with it.
I am convinced based on my many encounters with people that there are hordes of people who are pretenders. They have all the right words and actions until there is an attempt to keep them accountable, then these same lovely, friendly and helpful people turn into wolves, growling and snarling at those who are helping them to move past a wrong attitude or sin in their lives.
In the past few years I encountered a woman who seemed to latch onto me to become her new best friend. For months she called every day, as she put it "just to touch bases." She listened to all my "god talk" as though interested but never responded unless it had to do with an action or particular sin. She was against shacking up, she hated abortion etc. but she was not interested in Biblical concepts or principles of God.
As time went on, when she thought I had completely accepted her as a close friend she began to interject into our conversations questions about important things. She called me one day to reveal that she "no longer believed in the trinity." Then in another conversation she didn't believe Christ was God, that he was only the Son of God. Before this she was acting as though she believed everything I was talking about in our conversations but without much response.
The first clue about the Trinity was bad enough but the next clue was the clincher for me. I assessed from those conversations that she was either a JW or she was a witch who was infiltrating churches to cause trouble. She told me in one of our earlier conversations that she was going to different churches to rebuke them and then leave, but she never told me what she rebuked them about. When asked about the rebuke she spoke in vague and nonsensical language, I never did figure out what her rebukes were about.
There is no doubt that the churches in our town need rebuke, but she was using a Christian word to describe chastising a church for their core beliefs of Christianity.
I was reminded of this when I recently read an article describing how witches were infiltrating church gatherings to cause trouble, getting into prominent positions within churches with all the right verbiage, then subverting the teachings of Christ while in those positions.
We are experiencing an infiltration of practicing witches in gatherings to undermine Christ and the Christian. They come as angels of light, often claiming to be new believers to get everyone all excited about them. It is working because most people that warm the pews today lack basic Biblical discernment, that's why they accept foolishness such as "The Purpose Driven Live", "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe", prosperity preachers such as "Beth Moore" and many other things that mock and demean God.
The church gatherings as a whole are not discerning, they do not see the clues because they are more focused on the verbiage. When we are content to hear words and believe them, we miss important clues. I listen to words, but I no longer believe them unless there is strong lifestyle evidence to prove them.
The Holy Spirit often warns me about someone, and it always proves to be right. I usually wait for more evidence that I heard Him right, and it always comes. There is no excuse for being deceived when we can ask God about everything all the time.
The thing that trips people up, is their insatiable need to be liked by people. Often they see or hear the warnings but ignore them because they don't want to be seen as mean or negative. Everyone else seeing the same thing does the same thing and the evil grows until a terrible mess is left to clean up, but no one has the courage to clean it up, therefore the carnage within the gathering grows, the masses accept the sin and others are hurt along the way. These people who are obssessed with acceptance from others are in disobedience to the Word that says we are to confront sin and bad doctrine in the body.
Psalm 111:10 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!”
Proverbs 3:13 “Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding,”
Philippians 1:9 “And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment…”
Colossians 3:16 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
No where in the word of God does He tell us to make sure we don't hurt anyone's feelings with the truth. Nor does he say anyone should like you or something is wrong.
The wrong in the church today is there because godly people were intimidated into silence by superficial people who were more concerned about pleasing people than they were about pleasing God.
The other problem is that we now have more pretenders in gatherings than we have born again believers. The pretenders have overtaken the gatherings leaving the true believer without alleys and without a voice.
Our government has gone this way too, the crazy people have taken over the asylum. There are now more insane legislators than rational ones, just as there are more pretenders in the church than born again believers. It has happened in everything every where. And, there are some who think we can get our country back again? Think again!!!!