Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ignore Them

Yes This is true!

Those who compare themselves to others often become judgmental over things that God doesn't even care about. They harshly judged based on their own prejudice and personal culture rather than truth from the Bible.

I have known men who judge women as usurpers for speaking the truth of the Bible in conversation. Sadly there are many woman who have held their tongue when they should have spoken. The Holy Spirit is not a respecter of persons, He uses everyone who is born again to speak the truth into the lives of those around them.

Narcissists are always looking laterally rather than vertically. Laterally, comparing themselves with others as opposed to vertically, comparing themselves with God. Scripture is not the measure of a prideful person. The prideful person uses Scripture to compare themselves with one another to determine who is better based on their interpretation also based on their personal desires.

Godly people seek to compare themselves with God, leaving them always needing more wisdom, never having enough and never feeling superior to anyone else.

2 Corinthians 10:12-13
12 For we are not bold to class or compare ourselves with some of those who commend themselves; but when they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are without understanding. 13 But we will not boast beyond our measure, but within the measure of the sphere which God apportioned to us as a measure, to reach even as far as you."

It is wise just to obey the Holy Spirit, when others come against us for doing so then we are to disregard them and continue in obedience. There will be many in these last days who will attempt to ruin your walk, discourage you from what God is telling you to do, these people are to be ignored.

1 Corinthians 14:38
"38 But if anyone does not recognize this, he is not recognized."

In the KJV of the Bible it is translated "let the ignorant be ignorant", the meaning is "let the ignorant be ignored."

Pay no attention to those who would speak against you when you obey God. They are ignorant and not worthy of attention.
Joanne Maya DeGroot said this:
When you compare yourself by another's weakness, you get self-rightious. 
When you compare yourself to God, you get 

The Nature of an Evil Heart

Taken from an article called "5 Indicators of an Evil and Wicked Heart

"4. Evil hearts play on the sympathies of good-willed people, often trumping the grace card."

"They demand mercy but give none themselves. They demand warmth, forgiveness, and intimacy from those they have harmed with no empathy for the pain they have caused and no real intention of making amends or working hard to rebuild broken trust. (Proverbs 21:10; 1 Peter 2:16; Jude 1:4)."

Proverbs 21:10
"10 The soul of the wicked desires evil;
His neighbor finds no favor in his eyes."

Jude 4
"4 For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ."

Becoming a New Creation

A testimony from someone who thought they were a Christian but realized they were not and became born again.

"I always professed to be Christian. I thought I was. I believed in God. I went to church. But I tell you. I was not. I may have held up some of my “Christian “ morals but I had demons all over me. All these wasted years. Trying to drink the pain away. All the psych drugs. Nothing helped. Not until last year when I finally truly met God and he saved me. I repented of everything he showed me. Especially all my suicidal thoughts among everything else. I’m a new person now.
I think a lot of people go to church because it’s their routine or whatever but don’t truly know God. They go through the motions. I did. For a long long time."
CrazyGSPMan's reply from a video on Youtube

I am convinced there are many people just like this person who thought they were saved but do not realize they have never been born again. Thankfully the person quoted realized it and trusted Christ.