Rejecting the cultural Christianity I grew up with to embrace and enjoy a relationship with Jesus Christ. A place to come and share thoughts about almost anything. Especially things of the Lord. Please no Anonymous posts, I enjoy knowing who is writing to me.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Definitions of Legalism and Obedience
God gave me definitions for "legalism" and "obedience." God told me that legalism is obeying man's rules that God never made. Obedience is obeying God's principles because He gave them.
Not Under the Law
The Law Giver, Jesus Christ lives in us, we love the Law and have no need to be "under" it anymore. I will not steal not because I follow the Law, I will not steal because Christ in me gave me His Spirit and I don't desire to steal.
Don't Be a Bobble Headed Christian
Don't be a bobble headed Christian! Use your brain to ask God and then believe Him when He answers.
Bobble Headed Christians
Nearly all instruction or correction these days is seen as rude. We are supposed to nod our heads in bobble head fashion to be loved and accepted. LOL
Have you ever seen those bobble head dolls that sit on the table, when the table is bumped the little head wiggles back and forth as if to say yes to everything?
Just hate those things!!! ROFL
Have you ever seen those bobble head dolls that sit on the table, when the table is bumped the little head wiggles back and forth as if to say yes to everything?
Just hate those things!!! ROFL
Sugar Coating is not Helpful in Relationships
When we get past the "I want them to like me" stage in our walk while infant Christians, we are able to walk through the fires of life without the smoke getting on us, just like the three Hebrew children in the fires.
Christ walked there with them, and they didn't even smell like smoke when they came out.
Believers walk through the fire often as they assert their own right to believe in Christ and follow His principles.
Every believe who is battling against the devil's ploys, ought to read Daniel 3 in the Bible.
Also it would be good to read the account of John the Baptist who was beheaded because he stood for God's principles.
Mark 6 tells of the plight of John the Baptist because he dared to tell non-believers they were living in sin, in their divorces and remarriages.
We live in a culture now that considers it rude to correct or instruct anyone if they have not asked for the advice. God called us to be ready to answer anything as it arises, to be of help to others as the voice of reason and wisdom.
It is the truth teller who gets punished. All of you who have experienced emotional, physical and spiritual abuse know that if you tell family members of your experiences, often they choose not to believe you. It is hard for those who live in a fantasy world to give up their fantasy to walk in truth. When we place our faith and trust in man, choosing to believe things that are not true in order to feel good, it will only serve to give us superficial happiness translating into a resistance to helping those who have been abused.
When our only focus is our own happiness, we will not see things in truth, we will avoid anything uncomfortable to protect our false image and our personal desires.
Often those who live on their fantasy island, choose to beat up the truth teller in order to appreciate and continue contact with the abuser.
Don't ask me why someone chooses to elevate others as gods, I don't understand it, except that they had a view of someone in their heads that gave them happiness and they don't want to harm their "feelings" of security and place of safety.
1 Thessalonians 5:3-4 "3 While people are saying, “Peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. 4 But you, brothers, are not in the darkness so that this day should overtake you like a thief.…"
When we walk in truth the ugly and difficult things don't devastate us, they only cause us to grow in wisdom. We are not afraid of truth no matter what that truth is, it is more satisfying to see things as they really are than to have to keep up a pretense. Pretense is hard work and brings no peace in our soul in the long run.
Authenticity helps us to see the truth without feeling attacked or diminished because of what we know.
John 8:32 "32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
The bottom line: Seek truth through the Holy Spirit as well as His strength to accept it. We learn from everything, the good times don't teach us very much, but the difficult times are like puzzle pieces they fit together over time, giving us more wisdom as we look at them closely within the context of their meaning.
Psalm "119:160 The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever."
Psalm "86:11 Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name."
Matthew 22:16
"16 And they *sent their disciples to Him, along with the Herodians, saying, “Teacher, we know that You are truthful and teach the way of God in truth, and [a]defer to no one; for You are not partial to any."
If you want to be of help to anyone, you must see things in truth, not sugar coating things to feel better.
Christ walked there with them, and they didn't even smell like smoke when they came out.
Believers walk through the fire often as they assert their own right to believe in Christ and follow His principles.
Every believe who is battling against the devil's ploys, ought to read Daniel 3 in the Bible.
Also it would be good to read the account of John the Baptist who was beheaded because he stood for God's principles.
Mark 6 tells of the plight of John the Baptist because he dared to tell non-believers they were living in sin, in their divorces and remarriages.
We live in a culture now that considers it rude to correct or instruct anyone if they have not asked for the advice. God called us to be ready to answer anything as it arises, to be of help to others as the voice of reason and wisdom.
It is the truth teller who gets punished. All of you who have experienced emotional, physical and spiritual abuse know that if you tell family members of your experiences, often they choose not to believe you. It is hard for those who live in a fantasy world to give up their fantasy to walk in truth. When we place our faith and trust in man, choosing to believe things that are not true in order to feel good, it will only serve to give us superficial happiness translating into a resistance to helping those who have been abused.
When our only focus is our own happiness, we will not see things in truth, we will avoid anything uncomfortable to protect our false image and our personal desires.
Often those who live on their fantasy island, choose to beat up the truth teller in order to appreciate and continue contact with the abuser.
Don't ask me why someone chooses to elevate others as gods, I don't understand it, except that they had a view of someone in their heads that gave them happiness and they don't want to harm their "feelings" of security and place of safety.
1 Thessalonians 5:3-4 "3 While people are saying, “Peace and security,” destruction will come upon them suddenly, like labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. 4 But you, brothers, are not in the darkness so that this day should overtake you like a thief.…"
When we walk in truth the ugly and difficult things don't devastate us, they only cause us to grow in wisdom. We are not afraid of truth no matter what that truth is, it is more satisfying to see things as they really are than to have to keep up a pretense. Pretense is hard work and brings no peace in our soul in the long run.
Authenticity helps us to see the truth without feeling attacked or diminished because of what we know.
John 8:32 "32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
The bottom line: Seek truth through the Holy Spirit as well as His strength to accept it. We learn from everything, the good times don't teach us very much, but the difficult times are like puzzle pieces they fit together over time, giving us more wisdom as we look at them closely within the context of their meaning.
Psalm "119:160 The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever."
Psalm "86:11 Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name."
Matthew 22:16
"16 And they *sent their disciples to Him, along with the Herodians, saying, “Teacher, we know that You are truthful and teach the way of God in truth, and [a]defer to no one; for You are not partial to any."
If you want to be of help to anyone, you must see things in truth, not sugar coating things to feel better.
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