There is no such thing as a born again "Catholic", who remains in the Catholic church. Participating in the paganism that is continual and rampant throughout the rituals of the Catholic church would only serve to annoy and frustrate a true born again believer, they could not stay to endure it.
Even if a Catholic doesn't know all the decrees of the hierarchy of that system, the Holy Spirit within them would continually stir in anguish about the Mass, and it's abominations.
If someone calls themselves a "born again Catholic" while remaining in the church is either in serious disobedience or never became born again. In most cases those who refuse to leave after declaring that they are a "born again Catholic", have never been born again, they merely adopted the language of the Evangelicals, the heart has not been changed, only the lingo.
Sadly, there are many Christians today who think that if a Catholic declares he is born again, then the Catholic church is nothing more than another Christian denomination.
This is the end times deception! The melding together of all religions into one, has been the goal of the Vatican. Those who believe a practicing Catholic can be born again and remain Catholic have been deceived, falling into the trap of the devil.
We need to be witnessing truth to the Catholic community and encouraging anyone who says they are born again to get out of that wicked system.
Please don't anyone come to me and try to convince me that they know of a Catholic who is a good person and uses all the right Evangelical verbiage, that this person is a born again believer. It ought to grieve us to see this, we ought to warn them that if they have been born again they must leave that evil system.
It has been the practice of the Catholic church to add to their church the elements of other religions to draw in those who have never been Catholic. Using language that sounds good while acting righteously, does not save anyone, it is merely a craftiness of the devil to mock and demean Christ.
If you know someone who claims to be a "born again Catholic", do not jump up and down with excitement, praising them up and down while calling them your brother. WARN THEM!
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