A tactic you will encounter in these times of apostasy, is to be accused of being or doing something the accuser is doing but you are not. The world and the churches are full of hypocrisy, hating when the Bible is used for the clarifying of terms and actions.
Just recently I was accused of being angry, while I was speaking in calm tones. This person was turning red faced and agitated while all I said was a couple of sentences, not even enough information to actually get out an entire thought. The person accused me of being angry when I had not feelings or voice tones of anger at all.
I watched his face as his head moved in radical ways back and forth, his head was down, his face was angry, but he accused me of being angry. It is common for those who are angry to project their own anger onto the person for which they have contempt. In other words he was describing himself. Whenever a narcissist accuses you of lying when you have not, then you know the narcissist has lied to you or is about to lie to you. Whatever they accuse their target of doing, they are doing.
The devil is accusing the brethren right now before the thrown continually hoping to discredit us. Note that he is using the same tactic on this earth every day and more so as the end times progress.
Revelation 12:10 "10 And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying: “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ. For the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, he who accuses them day and night before our God."
I was tempted to defend myself, but the Lord stopped me, I repeated what I said in a calm voice and exited the conversation. I cannot count the number of times a narcissist accused me of the very thing the narcissist was doing but I was not.
If the accuser can get others in the room to think you have done something wrong they have recruited their flying monkeys. In this case my husband was with me, it has been the tactic of my extended family to cozy up to my husband while mocking and demeaning me. Sometimes in the past when we were younger it caused my husband to think I had done something wrong.
This time, my husband's eyes were clearly open to what was going on and he saw how irrational the interaction was, and said so. What a blessing that was, that he was not sucked into the lies of the narcissist and realized this was a common occurrence when I was growing up, to be constantly demeaned, dismissed, left out of things, for no good reason except to dominate and control.
Yes, when I was a child I would be in tears not understanding what I did wrong but feeling like a piece of garbage. As I grew older as a teen ager, I began to fight back, that didn't work either, it merely fed the beast, giving them more reason to continue even worse rejection.
I tell this story to encourage others who may have encountered the same thing on a regular basis in their life. If we know what is happening to us we are more likely to shed the accusations as irrational and continue on without it affecting us.
Before an operation the doctor tells us what he has to do to make things healthy again, it may be cutting into us but it does not frighten us because we know what is going to happen and why.
When we know that every encounter we have with wicked people has a purpose, that purpose is to strengthen us while teaching us to refrain from acting in kind to their tactics, then we will grow in holiness, allowing God to be our defender. When we feel a need to respond back to defend ourselves, then we are walking in pride.
The devil wants us to fall, that's why he sends these mean spirited people to buffet us, hoping we will discredit ourselves and leave the room seeing a bad witness for Christ.
The best thing to do is to avoid these people, if we have to encounter them we should exit the conversation when we realize it is being used as manipulation to cause trouble.
Praise the Lord we can walk in righteousness no matter what any one else is doing, even when they are direct attacks on us.
We must be led all the time by the Holy Spirit, we can leave all responses to Him. Hallelujah!
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