Thursday, November 16, 2017

Whose Fault Was It?

So you think "it was" Adam's fault we are in this predicament?

If Adam had never existed which ever man was available would have done exactly the same thing. It isn't about the act as much as it is about the nature of a man.

Do We Believe God?

When we violate God's principles we are demonstrating that we don't believe God.

A Hard Heart is Your Choice

Pharaoh chose to harden his own heart, so God helped him harden it further. Your choice too! God gives us what we want.

Where Were the Accusations Then

Our country is under attack in these days of apostasy. Anyone who walks with Christ will be accused of past forgiven sins, often as far back as 40 years ago, to discredit us.

No one has lesser sins than others, they all lead to hell and need to be covered in the blood of Jesus. Anyone who has had no sin 40 years ago please raise your hand. Oops, I don't see any hands raised.

The very people who are accusing a forgiven sinner of past sins are on their way to hell themselves. They think they are cleaner than the one they accuse, but in fact they are worse off because their sinful and heathen hearts remain tarnished with sin, every day as they walk disobediently to Christ.

These continual accusations may be true or not , but what is for sure is that anyone who waits 40 years to tell on their abuser may be just looking for their 15 minutes of fame.

Accusations that come forward after that many years, smacks of political opportunism or gold digging. Are we to believe that all these women who accuse the men were so ignorant and mousy that they had no strength to tell on these men at the time it all supposedly occurred? Really now!!!!!

It is hard to believe or respect a woman who cannot stand up for what is right as soon as it happens. But that's just me!