Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Test of Character

A test of our character is whether or not we are the same person in private that we are in public.

Another test of our character is if we act the same with everyone, no favorites, everyone is treated with respect.

Don't Believe the Media

Don't believe the news media, they lie by omission. I hear on the news all the time reports about things with so many details missing its impossible to figure out what the story was about.

Two tidbits of information does not a story make, but the media does this regularly.

They used words like "Trump refused to take the call." When the truth is he delayed taking the call because he was in the middle of a meeting.

There are so many lies like this in the media and on the internet we have to be careful to define terms and discern an attitude on the part of the reporter.

There are also numerous conspiracy theories and unproven accusations that it is impossible to know what is truth in these last days of deception.

Perhaps if it is something we have heard but have not been able to prove ourselves we should just leave it to alone giving it to God.

I heard a foolish man once say this; "it must be true I read it on the internet." We are living in such intense and widespread deception these days one could lose their mind in fear over things that are not even true.

Belief is a powerful thing, it can make someone physically ill if we let it penetrate our brains without filters.

If we read about something as dangerous, ponder it long enough to determine if there is anything concrete in the claim, then determine if thee is anything you can do about it, then let it go.

Fear is the devil's biggest weapon against a culture. If he can get believers running around terrified of every little thing without evidence, he can distract us from our calling, that is to live the Christian life with boldness in our witness.

Words Have Little Value

1 Corinthians 4:20 "20 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power."

In our culture there is much lying and deception going on every day and no one thinks anything of it.

When there is integrity there is action without even declaring in words what one will do later.

If your intention is to do something you should do then don't speak of it to anyone just do it. The doing of it will be the proof of intent.

Just saying something does not mean one is doing it. Our culture here thinks all they have to do is say "I am going to quit smoking" or "I am going to get a job" and never do any of it. Just saying something is nothing, its in the doing that is the evidence that it is true.

I am not likely to believe words unless I see the results of the intent in actions.

Perhaps saying one will do something is a form of bragging, carrying the matter through is not as important as getting people to praise you for the intent alone.

When we do things because they are right to do we have no need of praise, the pleasure is just in knowing we did the right thing.

1 Thessalonians 1:4-6 "…4 Brothers who are beloved by God, we know that He has chosen you, 5 because our gospel came to you not only in word, but also in power, in the Holy Spirit, and with great conviction— just as you know we lived among you for your sake. 6 And you became imitators of us and of the Lord when you welcomed the message with the joy of the Holy Spirit, in spite of your great suffering.…"

Enabliing is not a Great Witness!

Amen, Amen!!!! I know people like this who do not put out lazy adult children because they fear their turning from God. I say to that, that if they turn from God because you are not there then they never had Him to begin with, they were depending on your spirituality to slop over onto them. It is better to turn them out and let them experience hardship so they can learn to depend on God all by themselves.

Alan Brayshaw
15 hrs

Many People have tried.You can't make someone Born Again by having them Live with You

The Modern Deceptions

My dear friend Trudi posted something on Facebook that encouraged me in the way the Lord had been showing me to go, so now I can never be convinced to return to the fearful thinking many fear mongers have been encouraging. Here is what I have said and then what Trudi posted.

I would agree with this. I was afraid of the flu shots for many years because more than 40 years ago my husband and I got the flu shot together. We got so sick we could not lift our head off the pillows for 10 days. We knew it was the shot because we both came down at the same time just hours before it happened.

HOWEVER, Rodger had been getting the shot every year for years now but I resisted because of that first encounter. Then He and the doctors told me that the shots are different now. They have dead cultures instead of live ones and there is no longer mercury in the shots as there were years ago. All those stories about mercury are about practices many years ago not valid now.

I got my first flu shot in 45 years last week because of this new information. I have not gotten the flu and am confident that it had no ill effects.

I have resolved now not to read any information about how bad the foods are, essential oils or anything else that brings fear into the lives of people. I think an awful lot of the food scares are engineered by the natural food industry that are laughing all the way to the bank.

Holistic medicine and the natural food industry have brain washed a lot of people to believe nonsense that makes them spend more money on their food, perhaps even of lower quality.

I am done with articles on how to exercise, how to eat right and everything else that only brings frustration and feelings of being overwhelmed. There I've said it and I am done. Thanks so much for posting this Trudi.

Trudi Gretsinger

Here is a good read:......Controversy maybe?

Welp, I went and did it. I read the comments on someone’s flu vaccine post and in the process lost 5,642 brain cells that I can never have back. I’m going to say this real clear so that hopefully someone hears my voice louder than Lindsey the bartender who identifies as a ‘health wellness coach’ because she was “certified” by DoTerra essential oils company. At least I can sleep at night knowing that my friends list (and whomever they share this with) heard the voice of an ACTUAL certified medical professional.

1. You cannot get the flu from the flu vaccine. Ever. No matter what anyone’s told you. You CAN get an immune response such as low grade fever, mild inflammation, or local redness and swelling. This is GOOD. It means your body is fighting the inactivated virus it’s been exposed to and it will build immune cells specific to fighting that virus if it ever sees it again..... hence the entire premise behind getting vaccinated. It takes your body about two weeks to build fighter cells and for the vaccine to reach its maximum protectiveness. If you get sick within a week or two of receiving the vaccine, then you were exposed to influenza and hadn’t yet received protection from your vaccine. Crappy timing.

2. The vaccine does NOT cause strokes, auto-immune diseases, or severe allergic reactions. There is a very small percentage of people who’s bodies do not react normally and therefore those people should not receive the vaccine. Let me put it this way; I swell up like Violet in the Willy Wonka factory if I eat avocado. I think we can all agree that avocados aren’t dangerous, my body is the problem, not the food. Likewise, the vaccine is safe but like all things (even avocados) it can be dangerous for certain people. I cannot stress enough how rare this is, even though literally every online guru with a degree in alternative wellness claims to know someone it’s happened to.

3. If you’re healthy, good for you. No, seriously, good for you. You have the luxury of deciding whether or not you want to get poked. If you get the flu, you’ll miss a couple days of school, maybe a week off of work and then you’ll return to your life. That’s not the case for many people in our community. When healthy people vaccinate, we protect the newborns and the grandparents and the chemo patients and the ones who truly cannot receive the vaccine. It’s called herd immunity, and it’s the cornerstone of a healthy society.

4. You did not get the “stomach flu” from the influenza vaccine. The stomach virus commonly called the “stomach flu” is not a flu at all. Stomach viruses are commonly caused by novovirus or norovirus , not influenza. If you have symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea with a fever right after receiving the flu vaccine you are the unfortunate recipient of a sad coincidence. This sad coincidence is not uncommon since peak seasons of these virus’ activity overlap. I know you don’t want that to be true, but, science. In that same vein, if you get “the stomach flu” on a year you’ve received the influenza vaccine, your vaccine did not fail. The vaccine you received does not protect against stomach virus. Stay tuned though, vaccines for these viruses are all but guaranteed to be common in the coming years!

5. The drug companies and the CDC and all doctors and all nurses and everyone ever who advocated for vaccination are all paid by and/or brainwashed by big pharma to sell these vaccines by convincing others. Yeah... just no. I’ve never received a check or any other compensation from anyone to advocate for vaccinations of any kind. I don’t know a single person in the medical field (and I know a lot) who has ever received a bribe. I’m just about the most cynical, skeptical human out there and I require a lot of research & data to formulate my opinions, again, most of my colleagues are no different. If I really wanted to look out for number 1 (me) wouldn’t I try to drum up business at my ER by convincing others NOT to get the flu shots? Wouldn’t I WANT people to become sick so that I had job security?? $$ think about it people. This rationale is just ass backwards. I advocate for vaccines because I’ve held a newborn with fever while the doctor does a lumbar puncture. Because I’ve put a grandfather on a ventilator who couldn’t breathe and because I’ve put the final drape over a mother of 3’s face after she beat breast cancer but died of the flu. I did all of this knowing full well that it was preventable. We had the ability to save those people as a society and we failed because of the Lindseys in this world that prey on people’s poor understanding and fear.

So, who are you going to trust on this one, me or Lindsey?

XOXO- save each other- vaccinate!!......

If Your Love Wasn't Enough Your Words Won't Matter

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Born Again is not a License to Sin!

Being born again is not a license to sin, it is the ability through the Holy Spirit not to sin. The hyper-grace nonsense is not of God, the idea that sin doesn't matter any more because we are under grace is not Biblical and it grieves the heart of God.

Ephesians 4:29-31 "…29 Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building up the one in need and bringing grace to those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, in whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, outcry and slander, along with every form of malice.…"

God clearly tells us to rebuke and admonish daily one another to grow in grace. He would never tell us to do this if sin didn't matter anymore.

Titus 1:12-14 "…12 As one of their own prophets has said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.” 13 This testimony is true. Therefore rebuke them sternly, so that they will be sound in the faith 14 and will pay no attention to Jewish myths or to the commands of men who have rejected the truth."

Those who defend sin to be able to engage in it or defend others who are in it, are defying the commands of God to discipline those who are sinning.

Matthew 18:15-17
Discipline and Prayer
15 “If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens to you, you have won your brother.
16 But if he does not listen to you, take one or two more with you, so that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every fact may be confirmed.
17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector."

Now days it is impossible to take a matter to the church because the church is now defending sin. They refuse to address shacking-up, divorce, remarriage and almost all other sins that are rampant in the church gatherings today.

When the leaders in the church fight with those who speak the truth and defend those who are in error there is nothing left to do but get out of those places. In places like this sin is elevated and defended while Christ is diminished as an add on to the lives the parishioners decide they want to live.

2 Timothy 4:2-4 "…2 Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and encourage with every form of patient instruction. 3 For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. 4 So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.…"

These are the times we are living in right now!!! But don't be discouraged, God said it would be this way. It is one of the signs that Christ will be taking His church out soon! Hallelujah!

How We Honor God in Our Clothing Does Matter

The outer appearance reflects our attitude of respect for others. When people show up at Walmart in their pajamas there is a clear attitude of disrespect for others. God said not to judge according to appearance, He did not say be as sloppy as you please, that appearance didn't matter at all. The passage about appearances had to do with judging others not with our personal choice to honor God in our clothing.

Soon they will be showing up in the church gathering in PJ's because God doesn't care about our appearance?

How we dress for the church gathering is a reflection of a culture out of control to please themselves! I have seen people dress down for the church gathering but make sure they have their best on when going to an office party. Why do those people at the office get more respect than God does in His own house.

Our attitude toward God and others often is reflected in our clothing. It used to be considered disrespectful to show up for a visit at someone's house in rags.

Even the poor people had a special dress or slacks that they wore in public. Our mothers put on nice clothing to go to the grocery store because they were going to be among people.

They never worried about someone dropping in when they were in their work clothing, but if they went out they dressed respectfully.

It is interesting to me that back in the day when people changed their work cloths to go to town they were also so very welcoming if someone dropped in to visit while they were in their work cloths. They offered a beverage, maybe a snack and showed great hospitality even though their day was interrupted momentarily.

Now days many people who show up at Walmart dressed as though they didn't care at all about people would be angry if you popped in on them without an invitation. They are not hospitable nor do they have manners.

How we dress in public is a reflection of our attitude toward others. Since others don't matter very much to people anymore there is no sense of decorum or manners when in the company of others. The reason the pj generation have no manners in their home toward visitors is because they have no manners anywhere.

In a discussion with my son one day he boldly stated that he didn't wear a tied for anyone. I told him that the White House required everyone to wear a tie when in the presence of the President. He boldly stated that he would never even do that. I informed him that if he did not show respect to the President by wearing a tie he would not be allowed to be in the presence of the President.

Exodus 39:1
"Moreover, from the blue and purple and scarlet material, they made finely woven garments for ministering in the holy place as well as the holy garments which were for Aaron, just as the LORD had commanded Moses."

Psalm 45:13-14
"The King's daughter is all glorious within; Her clothing is interwoven with gold. She will be led to the King in embroidered work; The virgins, her companions who follow her, Will be brought to You."

Luke 15:22
"But the father said to his slaves, 'Quickly bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet;"

Clothing was an expression of showing honor to someone. This has been lost in our culture because everyone does what is right in their own eyes and they refuse to do what anyone else tells them they should do, even God. Just because we are no longer under the law does not mean we should be disrespectful in our clothing and lazy in our appearance.

Our culture has become lazy in their clothing because they are spiritually lazy in their life as a whole. The respect has left, of course not everyone who dresses down for church are like this but many.

The lie that God doesn't care about our clothing was propagated by people who liked their sloppy clothes and didn't want to bother to prepare for worship. They were those who were more focused on what they liked than on God.

These people lacked respect for God and for others. This began to be the mantra back in the 70's the ultimate era of rebellion.

When my son who would never wear a tie for the president said that he thought dressing up for gathering was too focused on clothes, I reminded him that focusing on dressing as you please without regard for decorum was also too much focus on clothing. If we focus on God we will want to be a blessing to Him in all we do, even clothing.

If you defend wearing sloppy clothes to gathering then you are focused on your own comfort and clothing, no different from what you might accuse others of doing when they dress for the Worship of the KING OF KINGS.