Sunday, June 15, 2014

Feel the Chill?

Jeremiah 8:12 ""Were they ashamed because of the abomination they had done? They certainly were not ashamed, And they did not know how to blush; Therefore they shall fall among those who fall; At the time of their punishment they shall be brought down," Says the LORD."

Until the formal church gatherings learn to preach the truth, seeking God to be able to do it with boldness, we will remain in the condition that we see in Jeremiah 8.

Because of this terrible state that we are in, sin will continue to escalate, as the Word shows us.

2 Timothy 3:13 "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived."

Matthew 24:12 "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold."

Don't Wait Too Long

Don't Wait Too Long

When the public schools in our area some 30 years ago, were allowing us to go in and speak about pro-life issues, we had one hour on Friday afternoon, while Planned Parenthood had all week with the students. 

While telling the students  about the protection of the eagle egg verses the lack of protection for the unborn child,  the students response was "but there aren't enough eagles and there are too m any people." 

At that point I felt a chill go through me every time I heard it, I realized that only giving them the science to prove the children were human beings wasn't enough because they had been taught most of their lives that people are nothing more than elevated apes, another animal that needed to be regulated.

We don't hear about animals being aborted, those who would do it might be arrested for animal abuse,  the child of a human being is less valuable than the animals. 

Those who have passed legislation supporting "assisted suicide", are also those who have supported abortion from the beginning of the Row V Wade decision in 1973. 

The killing mentality does not stop at a tiny unseen baby, it is an overall sense that when people become bothersome, we can easily eliminate them through euthanasia in one form or another, either by lethal injection or withholding basic food and hydration.

All legalization of sin, leads to more legalization of sin.

The only cure for this mentality of selfishness and murder is to bring the gospel to those who are not yet saved.  When someone becomes saved, their eyes are opened to expose the error of their old thinking.

2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

Those who have been raised on evolution, abortion and self esteem, cannot think beyond the parameters that have been spoon fed them by the government institutions.  These young people have been force fed ideas for so long that until Christ gets a hold of their mind, they cannot think beyond what they have been programmed to think.

Believers are thinkers because when the Holy Spirit spoke to them they counted the cost and made the choice. God changed their heart because they wanted Him to do so.

Those who will not trust Christ have chosen to remain with the ideas that were programmed into them, because it is easier to remain weak, blending in with the crowd around them, as robots, than it is to swim upstream with those who have opted to use the brain God gave them, while He gives them the ability  to discern right from wrong. 

We either choose to hear God and submit to Him or we choose to hear the secular world and submit to the crowd. Either way we are submitting to someone.

The path that the seculars have determined for the robotic masses to follow leads to a firey eternity, while the path that God has for us, if we will choose Him, leads to an eternity filled with the love of Christ in a paradise that promises blessing and joy that can not be measured. 

Will you choose to be a robot controlled by the hate and foolishness of the world that is manipulated by the devil?

Or, will you choose to trust Christ, believe Him and inherit something far more amazing than what this world has to offer?

Don't wait too long to decide, the time is short, the Savior is coming soon, and then it will be too late.