Tuesday, January 22, 2019

A Smile can be Intimidating to a Narcissist

Even a smile is intimidating when one dares to be secure in their own beliefs.

Liberals and narcissists hate that we are joyful and secure in our beliefs. These people want us to be sad and beggarly, full of fear, intimidated by their childish antics.

The born again believer has no desire to fit into the world, which will bring upon them all manner of angst. Those who are living in pride and sinful superiority will always hate another's joy.

The joy of the believer is an affront to those who are tormented in their own soul with anger and jealousy. There is no joy in the heart of the narcissist. There is glee at someone else's fall or destruction, but never enduring and constant joy.

The fruit of the Spirit is spoken of by God, it looks like this:

Galatians 5:22-23
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law."

There are plenty of people who would claim they have these qualities. Many people have a pretense on the outside that is a thin veneer that hides the real them.

Under the thin veneer is a black soul full of hatred and anger.

Matthew 23:27-28
"27 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside, but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and every impurity. 28 In the same way, on the outside you appear to be righteous, but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.…"

Our world is full of these types as we move closer to the end of the church age. When we are attacked it is good to pray to see if there is some truth in it. When God has not convicted us and we cannot see what we did that was sin, then probably we are encountering one of these narcissists.

God speaks to the born again believer when we do something wrong. We know when God is telling us or when its false guilt over someone else's reaction.

Those who ask the question after an attack, "was it me Lord, did I do something wrong", are very likely not at fault. A narcissist or rebellious person would never ask God to reveal their own actions or attitudes. The narcissist can never evaluate themselves, only those who care about truth and righteousness would do that.

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
"9 that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders,
10 and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved.
11 For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false,
12 in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but [h]took pleasure in wickedness."

This "deluding influence" mentioned in verse 11 of the above passage, is in the world now, increasing more with each passing day. It has entered most church bodies and twisted the thinking of most professing Christians.

2 Timothy 4:2-4 "…2 Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and encourage with every form of patient instruction. 3 For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. 4 So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.…"

May we all be grateful for the ever present joy we have in our soul no matter what is going on around us or what is coming at us.

Christ has our back, He is our defender, there is no need to agonize over what is now or what is coming. Hallelujah!!!!

Truth is in the Context

Why are others not making reference to the abomination of the belief that the Nephilim were the result of angels impregnating humans?

There are those who interpret an objection to angels taking humans to say that we do not believe in Nephilim or giants.
It is clear in the Bible that there were giants and some of them were called Nephlim, however there is no reference that says they were the result of devils and women conjugating.

The whole matter of the Nephilim makes no sense on so many levels but the most diabolical of all concepts is the assertion that a devil can impregnate a human the same way God impregnated a human woman, that is Mary.

The effort to diminish the miracle of Jesus Christ in the womb of Mary by asserting that devils can do the same thing is concocted by the devil in these last days.

The belief in devils impregnating humans came out of the heretical book of "Enoch."

I am not clear why some people assume the book of Enoch was written by the prophet. There were probably many men named Enoch in the days of the OT.

Cain had a son named Enoch, he was not the Enoch who was taken up by God. There were two different Enoch's. Since there were two then we can surmise that it was a name in those days that was probably common.

When God said that the men of God came to the daughters of women was clearly "men" who were godly who mixed with the pagan women. There is no where that says the giants came from these unions.

The Bible states that there were giants in the land at that time, its a statement of fact, but there is no indication as to their parentage.

A Spirit being who does not possess the male equipment to be able to carry a seed could never be able to impregnate a woman. There is no evidence in the Word that angels have seeds to connect with a human woman's seed. The evidence indicates that angels do not pro-create even among themselves, how would they possess the male seed of a human man.

Genesis 1:22-25 "24 And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, land crawlers, and wild animals according to their kinds.” And it was so. 25 God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and everything that crawls upon the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.…"

If even the physical beasts of the field could not mate with any other beast that is not like him, should tell us that spirit beings who don't have seed or physical qualities and who are unseen by the women, would ever be able to mate with them.

This belief in devils mating with humans was never spoken of just 40 years ago, no one ever thought about it or promoted it. I am convinced this is an end times deception to diminish the work of God in Mary to produce the Christ.

It is so typical for those who love to appear more knowledgable than others to concoct irrational belief systems that have no real value in our walk with Christ, but that do diminish Him in some way.

I once had a Christians man defend his fights with women by using the scripture "we are appointed to troubles." No where in the word does God say a man is allowed to diminish the dignity of women by bitterly fighting with them about anything. Snatching words out of their context is lying and rebellious. Making God's word say the opposite of what He meant is rebellion against Him.

God told men to love, protect and honor women in His Holy Scriptures. Those who snatch a sentence or two out of the context of the Bible to win an argument are being influenced by the devil to mock the ways of God, as well as make themselves superior to others and even to God.

Anyone can make the Bible say anything they wish by merely leaving out passages using only a one or two sentences. When we see this happening it is good to confront it. God recently gave me one phrase to say to those who cherry pick passages, that is; "out of context." When we say this to someone who has a habit of cherry picking it leaves them responsible to ask why, to go to the word about it to see if they were wrong and to pray for understanding from the Holy Spirit. And, once they have discovered they were wrong they need to say so. Those who are humble will admit they were in error.

When we use the phrase "out of context" and the hearer walks away angry and demeaning, their own attitude has been revealed, that is one of rebellion and superiority.

Unfortunately in these end times we are seeing more scripture twisted and maligned than are being authentically used as God intended.

The Holy Spirit clarifies things for those who want to know. It is common for those who are in rebellion to mock us by asserting that we are not trained in Bible college so we cannot know. My answer to that is this; So many in Bible college today are being taught things that are not Biblical, but rather traditions of men to enjoy their lies.

We do not learn from men, when they teach us we evaluate them, throw out what is bad and retain what is good. It is the Holy Spirit Who teaches us. To rely on men is to negate the power and purpose of the Holy Spirit in us. We are to always rely on the Holy Spirit. No man should ever take center stage over Christ.

2 Timothy 4:2-4 "…2 Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and encourage with every form of patient instruction. 3 For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. 4 So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths."