Monday, July 31, 2017

Do You Hate Your Children?

Proverbs 13:24 "24 He who withholds his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him diligently."

We must train babies to be kind and loving, we do not have to train them to be mean and selfish.


Because babies are born sinful, full of self. They must be trained not to poke in the doggies eyes or pull the cats hair. I have met two year olds who were horrible to be around, they were not just untrained, they were down right mean because there had been no training in their lives.

I once saw a four year old slapping his Daddy in the face for not buying him a candy bar. The man, feeling somewhat embarrassed, turn to me in line and said, "what can you do", while giggling. My response to him was, "you better spank him for disrespecting you or he will be punching you out when he is bigger than you."

The man in front of me in line didn't know how to respond, he turned back around and continued to ignore and put up with the terrible disrespect and defiance of that little brat.

Interesting isn't it, parents are afraid to be seen as the bad guy by disciplining their children, but can't see that their children are an embarrassment to them because of their evil.

People actually think that children should be given a pass for evil behavior because they are children. These same parents end up in a life of utter turmoil and frustration when these children become adults and refuse to move out and make their own way in the world. They are not assets to their parents, they are burdens and the parents facilitated it by their own lack of courage to do the right thing.

Proverbs 13:24 "24 He who withholds his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him diligently."

Black as Coal or White as Snow?

It is always sad when we meet people who base their worth on their own skin tone.

It is not the outer shell that God cares about, it is the inner soul. What does our soul look like? Is it black as coal controlled by the devil or is it white as snow controlled by the Holy Spirit? These are the important questions.

Anyone who thinks they are superior to others or pretends to be simply to boost their own arrogance, generally has a soul as black as coal.

Separateness is a Blessing

The believers are being called to separateness and boldness in these last days. And, as in the days of Noah, few will listen, while everyone does what is right in their own eyes, refusing to seek Christ, even those who claim to be "Christian."

I am convinced this is the reason many are leaving the organized churches, they are weary of the foolishness that goes on in them. I used to believe something was wrong with those Christians who didn't attend church, and perhaps back in the day that was true, but now I believe the born again believers who love Christ are leaving the organized, 501c3 churches because of the worldly goings on in them.

Matthew 7:21-23 "21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’
23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’"

There are those who live in parts of the country where they can find a humble and obedient gathering, but because of what they have surrounded themselves with, they don't believe there is such a problem as not being able to find a gathering.

The gatherings in our area are nearly all into a social gospel of good works. They love the "Purpose Driven Life" model for doing church. They embrace those who are shacking up, it is common for the pastors to be divorced and remarried and most pastors will marry divorced people.

We are living in a region that is full of apostasy, having a form of religion, even conservative, but lacking any desire to please Christ. YES, it is true, there are entire regions like this!

Just 40 miles down the road from us is one of the largest cities, across the river in Oregon, there are deplorable "gay rights" parades that are so vile one cannot even mention what goes on in the streets. There is the 10,000 person naked bike ride through the streets of Portland every year. There are "indecency" laws on the books, but as long as the group gets a legal "permit", they can ride through the streets big as you please without conscience over it.

The news media makes sure it gets plenty of publicity and laughs at it as though it is as normal as anything.

Someone might be arrested and deemed a pervert if they are alone walking the streets without clothes, but if they join the bike ride they are safe.

The annual beer festival, full of debauchery and drunkenness is held every year in the center of down town.

You see, even though the wickedness of this city is 40 miles away, it influences the thinking of those within an hours drive of it.

Yes, we live in a godless area, with churches all over the town that are preaching "don't judge" without ever preaching repentance, holiness or devotion to Christ. You see, this is what apostasy looks like.

When someone like us comes along to correct these things while giving the gospel of repentance, we are dismissed and forced out through manipulation, the manipulation takes the form of "subtle ignoring." If they just ignore us, showing us how much we are not wanted, then they can effectively get rid of us without telling us to leave.

We are living in the days of Noah in our region. No one will listen while most people believe, as long as they want to believe something, it is must be true. "Don't judge" is the most use phrase in my presence, as though it were true. This is just how bankrupt this culture is, they want the freedom to do anything and everything vile they wish without anyone telling them they are in sin.

Exposing sin is the new evil, those who speak truth are the ones who are maligned and mocked. Welcome to our world, a world of nearly total rebellion and arrogance.