Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Fear is a Feeling to be Ignored

We do have feelings of fear sometimes, that is not a sin. The feelings are irrelevant, it is what do we do that makes the difference. I ignore feelings a lot to do what I believe is right. Feelings are fleshly and the "shallowest part of our being", as Adrain Rogers would say, they need to be reigned in, to be able to obey truth.

Gone, Gone, Gone!!!!


So many people are preaching that God does not love His children enough to take over their being and direct their paths. In the minds of these people He is an unconcerned task master who leave us to our own devices after saving us through His power because we trusted Him. I trusted Him because He said He would take care of my salvation, my growth, my provision and everything else that I needed. I trusted Him for everything .....and I still do!

We are holy in direct proportions to how much time we spend reading the Word and asking for wisdom. I am sorry that some are being led to believe they can lose their salvation by those who look more at outer works than they do at the price Christ paid and His promises to us.

There are many now who are apostate who are attempting to convince believers that God will not keep His promise to us, He will not help us in our walk and He will throw us away at the slightest infraction. That is not the God of the Bible.

When we cannot be saved by our works, what makes us think we can be kept by our works? God said HE would keep us, He cleanses us and He is our protector. I could never worship a God that goes back on His promises, Who leaves us to flounder not knowing if we did enough good or enough bad for Him to come down off that cross for my sins. This is not the God of the Bible.

Perhaps if these people would stop looking at circumstances and works, they might be able to see what Christ actually did! He paid the penalty for all the sins of the world. He will change anyone who wants to be changed, however not all will want it.

When God changes a person they stay changed.

2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come."

Notice the words "the old has PASSED AWAY." Yep, gone gone gone is our old nature, never to come back again!

God's Provision is Enough!

When I became fearful a couple of weak momemnts in time, I was irritated at all this "Obamacare", nonesense. then I began to speak to God about it and He comforted me.

We have a high deductible, we pay all the bills if they are meds or office visits. I was tempted to complain a couple of times and then God stopped me in my tracks when He said in His still small voice......"I am giving you enough money to pay those bills, it doesn't matter what man does, I am in control."

So often we think we want something our way, and miss the fact that God is doing miracles all the time on our behalf. If all was the way we wanted, then we would miss the miracles. He is faithful to care for us.

Matthew 6:26 "Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?"

Who is our Family

From Dona Tucker's comments: Speaking of unsaved family members:

"Yep and if they only understood that they go through the things they do Gwendolyn because they are separated from God. Scripture tells us, even if we have a brother that is in sin and does not listen to wise counsel to put them out and have nothing to do with them. Not to even eat a meal with them. When Jesus was going to the cross he didn't give his mother to his own earthy brother James, he told John, John here is your Mother, mother here is you son. James didn't believe Jesus was the Messiah until after the resurrection. Our true families are the family of God, those who are Born Again.."