Sunday, March 29, 2015

Don't Trust Translations Trust Christ

Don't trust any Bible version, trust Christ who is the author of the original texts. He has told me when things were not right and given me the correct understanding. It is Christ Who brings the truth, not pages with Words, He is called "The Word."

Let Go of Family and Go With God

Matthew 19:29-30
"29 And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.
30 But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first."

At first it can be hard to leave that which is familiar to us. There is a sense of protection and companionship with those who have been a big part of our lives for years. However, when we finally do walk away from the worldly drama and senseless conflict, non-believer against believer, we realize how peaceful our lives can be. We think at first that we will be lonely and to some degree we feel that, but the peace and love of the Lord far outways that, and it is replaced with peace and harmony.

To be in a prison for our faith is far preferable to the company of those who would work to undermine our faith, driven by the devil to destroy us. Loneliness is much more desirable than continual jabs and polks that are a regular part of a relationship with an ungodly person. I have met many on facebook who have learned to enjoy their aloneness with Christ, while enjoying the virtual relationships of facebook. God was merciful in putting us together in this time of leanness of fellowship.

God clearly says "come out from among them and be ye separate" for a reason. Two cannot walk together who are not agreed. Often those who are not born again, interpret situations far differently from believers. What is important to the believer is foolishness to the non-believer. What is important to the non-believer is nonsense to the believer. There cannot be peace with those who do not understand our world of faith in Christ, it makes them angry.

In these last days we experience much jealousy and superficial Christianity, that strives to undermine what God is doing in us. The organized church is full of non-believers who think they are Christians, but have never been born again. They love this world and the things in it, while pretending to love God, they defy Him.

Matthew 15:8

Next time we are tempted to feel lonely, remember what it was like when there was continual competition, meanness and strife with those who were not born again. Suddenly we will feel blessed once again, that God has freed us from all that turmoil. In order to avoid conflict with non-believers we have to remain silent, but we cannot do that because to remain silent is to endorse their view. There is no other option but to minimize contact with those who come against our God.

We can bring the gospel to the unsaved as God directs, but we are not to make unbelievers, who hate our God, or pretenders who claim Christianity but negate His Word, our constant companions, to do that would to try to mix oil and water.

We place many more problems on ourselves that are unnecessary by remaining with unsaved family and friends on a regular basis.

Let's pray to hear the voice of God and obey Him.