Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Defending Wickedness to Elevate Self is itself Wicked

Just to give everyone an idea of what narcissistic projection looks like I would like to tell a story based on my youth growing up with full-blown narcissists.
I knew of a man whose family lived next door to his brother's family. Every so often the two brothers would stand in the field discussing which model of car was better, the Ford or the Chevy.
The man who loved the Chevy would become angered and volatile when his brother disagreed with him. The brother who liked Ford's was not doing anything wrong when discussing his viewpoint, but it enraged the brother who loved Chevy's.
In the mind of the Chevy brother the Ford brother was a fool and treated him with a great deal of contempt as he allowed his emotions to escalate into rude words and shouting as he tried to convince his brother that he was wrong.
The Chevy brother would leave the argument, come into the house and vent to his family how rude the Ford brother had been, when in fact, it was the Chevy brother who started the whole thing without provocation. Think about this, OVER THE MODEL OF CAR, the Chevy brother caused trouble over nothing important and lied to his family about who was at fault.
Over the years it became clear to the daughter of the Chevy man that her father was the one who was the trouble maker. It all became more clear as she pondered the daily angst and emotionally volatile way in which her father acted toward his own family. Everything was someone else's fault and he was perfect in all he did. He would apologize occasionally but never changed.
Sadly he had managed to convince his sons that he was such a great guy because he did good deeds for neighbors once in a while. They spoke of him as someone to emulate and look up to for his occasional help to a neighbor.
What became clear to the Chevy man's daughter was that he did his good deeds to be praised by others and came home and was rude and mean to his wife and the scapegoated daughter in the family. It was only the scapegoated daughter who could see the real him, all the rest of the family refused to admit what this man was and the sinful things he did.
Later in life as the daughter was married this Chevy man said the most vile things to her thinking that now that she was an adult he could gossip pornographic things to her that he would not have shared with her as a child. He also attempted to speak these things to the daughter's husband.
Even when the daughter and her husband told him to stop talking about these things he continued as though he didn't hear them. They threatened to leave if he would not stop and he still kept going. Finally as they began to get up to leave he got the message and stopped. He even apologized, but we knew he was only apologizing because of the consequences we were giving him, the apology was not to be believed because he would have continued if the daughter and her husband had not threatened him.
This was a classic case of the narcissist treating people disrespectfully to appear superior while claiming it was the other person who was the troublemaker.
Narcissists often cause problems with people they wish to control and berate others as the problem. Those who see the truth and tell the truth are the scapegoats.
Sadly this man's reputation in the community was a good one because the flying monkeys who had been brainwashed by him to believe his lies elevated him as special. And, sadly these brothers who believed their father became just like him, using rudeness and anger to control others just like their father did. They praised the father because they wanted to be like him, controlling others with rude words and anger.
And, in the process, they denied the wicked things this father did in order to maintain the false family scenario. The scapegoated daughter was the truth-teller, exposing the evil thereby becoming the one everyone treated with contempt, despising her because she would not fall in line with the family system of hiding the truth.
When you encounter someone who defends evil just to appear special you have encountered a devil. Not only will these people lie to maintain a false persona they will lie against the truth teller to discredit them.
Matthew 15:19
"For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders."
Proverbs 12:22
"Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord,
But those who deal faithfully are His delight."
John 8:44
"You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies."
John 8:55
"and you have not come to know Him, but I know Him; and if I say that I do not know Him, I will be a liar like you, but I do know Him and keep His word."
No one can be a born-again believer and defend wicked people!!!!

God Sees it All Don't Worry about Explaining Yourself to People.

Every day I think about our homegoing. And, every day I want to encourage other believers of the truth so that when they are bombarded with intimidation and mocking they will be so strong nothing will make them falter.
My prayer for my brothers and sisters is that they will feel nothing when they are maligned and demeaned for following Christ.
There is a saying; "consider the source." This helps us to know that when these negative and hateful things are pointed at us we can remain staunch and even smile at their foolishness as they reveal themselves to us.
We can always remind ourselves that God sees it all and cares about us.
Psalm 56:8
"8 You have taken account of my [a]miseries;
Put my tears in Your bottle.
Are they not in Your book?"
Those who say they are Christians and treat us with contempt disdainfully are not considering that God is watching and has taken note of their attitude of rebellion.
Feel no need to prove yourself to anyone, it only matters what God thinks.
Psalm 139:3
"You search out my path and my lying down; You are aware of all my ways."

Following Christ Without Human Traditions: Part 1

One more thing that God exposed to me that Christians believe and practiced in the Christian church for centuries that came out of paganism is the way in which the dead are treated for burial.
Nowhere in the scripture do we see a command to remove all the blood from a dead body, place it in a protective box, and place it in the ground after death.
Interestingly the belief that we must preserve the body because Christ cannot resurrect us if we are ashes in not only a lack of faith but fully pagan. The belief is that we are the ones who determine who God raises and it is based on the physical state of their bodies. So might it be that people who believe in this form of burial think that the fate of their salvation is based on the choices others make for them after they are dead?
The practice of visiting a person's grave after their death is also paganism. It is the belief that the person in that grave can see what you are doing and enjoy the flowers you bring, is tantamount to roaming spirits on the earth able to interact with those visiting their grave.
1 Corinthians 13:3 "And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing."
There is a tremendous lack of faith in those who believe they must remove all the blood from a person's body and couch it in extravagant caskets in order to preserve it so that God can resurrect it, is the same mentality of the pagan religions.
From my personal experience, more love was extended to the dead person at his funeral than was ever shown to him when he was alive. It is common for people to attend the funerals of people they haven't seen in 40 years to "say goodbye" as though they can hear us.
Then there is the thinking that we should be "buried" as Christ was. The ones saying such things are ignorant of the Bible. Christ was placed in a tomb, not under the ground with dirt thrown on top of Him. If someone wants to be buried as Christ was then they must find themselves a tomb for someone to place them in after their death.
By the way, another side note is that in the case of those who were buried in tombs in the days of Jesus Christ, the relatives waited for the decomposition of the body after which they would go in and gather the bones of their dead relative and place them in Ossuarrys, that is boxes to hold the bones after all the flesh has been rotted away.
If one wants to be buried the way Christ was then they should instruct those caring for their bodies after death to find a tomb and then months later after the flesh has fallen from their bones, gather them up and put them in a box. This was the Jewish custom of those days.
God never gave specific instructions on how to dispose of the dead, therefore we cannot adamantly make rules about it for anyone else. We also cannot judge someone who does not attend memorials or funerals. Each person must decide for themselves whether or not they will attend.
It might be that God wants us to go to those worldly gatherings to speak the gospel to someone. This would be a work of the Holy Spirit.
It also might be that someone does not attend these types of gatherings because they are personally obeying God in "coming out from among them."
Most funerals are not about God at all, they are gatherings to tell positive lies about someone based on paganism, to "don't speak ill of the dead" because the spirits might come after you.
At almost every funeral I have attended lies were told and some in the gathering spoke to the dead person as though they were in the crowd.
I have only had the enjoyment of a memorial gathering that was Christ-centered twice in my life. All the others were ritualistic and man-centered.
When someone visits a grave to speak to the dead they are practicing paganism. If we bring flowers to the grave we are practicing paganism, believing that somehow the person in that grave will enjoy those flowers.
This is a classic example of one of many things we have believed and were taught by churches that were not at all biblical, but man's traditions. The expectations were so high concerning burial that if someone was not in bondage to the church rules and did something different they were criticized as though they had gone against God.
This is what happens when people rely on the traditions of men more than seeking Christ for truth, the groups become rigid and judgmental about things God never commanded.
Never allow others to place you in bondage to their man-made paganistic practices especially if they take Scripture out of context to justify what God never said.
We are free to allow people to observe their beliefs without judging them just as we are free to obey God without caving into manipulation and intimidation to operate the way others think we should that is not Biblical.
Matthew 15:7-9 "…7 You hypocrites! Isaiah prophesied correctly about you: 8‘ These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. 9 They worship Me in vain; they teach as doctrine the precepts of men.’ ”…"
Isaiah 29:13
"Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men:"
Acts 5:28-30 "…28“ We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name,” he said. “Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us responsible for this man’s blood.” 29 But Peter and the other apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than men. 30 The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom you had killed by hanging Him on a tree.…"

NO, We're NOT All "Gods Children" | Buddy Brown

Israel's Return, Judgement & The Millennium | Jonathan Cahn Sermon