Sunday, April 24, 2016

Debaucherizing America Definition

Coining a new term: "Debaucherizing", meaning to work at ruining a society by promoting and fascilitating wickedness.

Debaucherizing the Country

Doesn't it seem strange that every form of debauchery is being accepted and promoted. The citizens are being manipulated and intimidated to accept it, such as same sex marriage and transgenders in the ladies bathrooms.

Because these things don't make sense, it seems that there is a deliberate attempt to bring American down by "debaucherizing" it.

Our money is being wasted on those who did not earn it, those who are illegal and frivolously spending on useless things such as free cells phones, benefits to illegal aliens while promoting immorality by providing welfare and food stamps for shack up couples.

Every sin that one can name, is being promoted and supported by the government in one way or another, at the same time punishing those who do not think it is right.

Those who are elevated and loved are the ones who enjoy their sin and want everyone to enjoy sin. Those who are demeaned are the believers who call sin what it is and refuse to be brain washed by the rest of the culture.

2 Timothy 3:1-5