Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Talent Does Not Save Us!

I am pretty sure the subject of a popular actor who committed suicide yesterday, is going to come up today in the news feed, glorifying him for his accomplishments as an actor/director.

A very popular actor killed himself yesterday, in spite of this act, he is being glorified by the media, as a wonderful person because he made people laugh and his acting skills were celebrated by many.

His popularity is based on his acting, his wealth and that he made people laugh. Does this sound like sensible evaluation of a man's life?

Let's see what this man's life was really like! He was divorced twice and remarried a third time. This man who is the darling of the media, had an affair while still married to his first wife, after that there were two divorces and a third wife.

Notice that most movie stars down through the ages are divorced and remarried, often multiple times, because they are so completely self absorbed, they cannot be a good companions to anyone.

Most actors and actresses love this profession because they are narcissists who desire continual praise and attention, fame is their goal.

He was in and out of rehap for cocain and alcoholism, and he spent his entire life focused on himself.

This man was invited by the Democratic party to speak at one of their fund raisers for our current president. When the news media reported it, they were bleeping out so many filthy curse words that very little of his message could be heard, he was known for his gutter mouth.

Is this the kind of man that believers want their children to enjoy and love?

When we base our love for someone on their talents rather than their character we are glorifying them for things that are not only not important to God but even disgust Him. It does not please God when we sing the praises of someone who hates Him.

I am not impressed with any charity work he may have done, although the media has not been mentioning any yet, or his talents in the movie industry, none of these things honor God, when someone lives a lifestyle of debauchery, God is angry with them.

Psalm 7:11 "God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day."

This very popular actor/comedian pushed the political issue of same sex marriage forward before it was popular to do so. One of his movies depicted a nanny who was a cross dresser.

This man was asked this question on a popular talk show; "“If heaven exists, what do you want to hear God say when you arrive at the gates?”

His answer was this; "Is there seating at the front." His attitude toward God on many occasions was to mock Him. He had no reverence for anyone or anything. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, rejected every kind of authority and died defying God through the act of suicide.

He supported verbally and financially every liberal cause of our day.


When we evaluate someone on their talents, whether an actor or ball player we are sending the message that it doesn't matter how they live or who they hurt as long as they are talented and make people happy with that talent.

I don't know about you, but I intend to turn off the news every time this story comes up, I can't stand to hear any more accolades for someone who dishonored God in every way possible.

The best thing we can do now, is not to glorify him, but to pray for the salvation of his family and all the people who were influenced by his terrible example.