Monday, June 8, 2015

Amulet Mantra Praying My New Phrase

I have coined a new phrase:

Amulet Mantra Praying: definition: Praying the words of someone else to effect a certain result we desire, usually material wealth or physical health.

Those who would "pray the prayer of Jabez", are using this form of praying, neglecting how Christ told us to pray, in favor of the prayer of a man.

Notice Jabez never asked anyone else to pray his way?

Do Not Believe the Miracles Alone

Just this morning I listened to a talk given by Jonathan Cahn on his book the "Harbinger", that sounded very convincing, but brought up questions in my mind. The first question was, "could this be a violation of the scripture that says not to add to God's Word", the second question was, why do we need new revelation when the Bible has all that we need.

Sadly many people will be drawn into this "signs and wonders" mentality through the cleverness of its delivery. I was enticed myself the first time that I heard a small portion of Mr. Cahn's talk. As I listened I was struck with the fact that a believer in Christ has no need of warnings such as this, we already know the plight of a nation that rejects God from the warnings already written in the Bible.

Mr. Cahn used a phrase that I believe was a clue as to his particular belief bent. He said; "the real name of Jesus, in referrence to the name "Yeshua." That is a phrase that many "Hebrew Roots" movement proponents use. Then there is the problem of assigning miracles for and pertaining to Israel directly to the United States. While Mr. Cahn may not be involved in the Hebrew Roots mess, he definitely has a legalistic view of the name of Christ.

There are those who like to take the events in the Bible and make them applicable to modern day, which is often a mistake. We understand that the events of the past teach us principles about how God deals with sin and rebellion, but attempting to recreate the exact same events that occurred in Israel applying them to America today is problematic.

There were people a few years ago who began praying "the prayer of Jabez", as though we should do just what Jabez did, to avoid appearing materialistic, since the prayer of Jabez was a prayer to enlarge his property, those who wanted to be blessed prayed his prayer, spiritualizing it to mean spirital blessing. They felt a need to do exactly what Jabez did, hoping to get what he got. However, they perverted the prayer of Jabez, claiming to pray what he prayed while changing the purpose and meaning of his prayer. Guess what...I think they were spiritualizing verbally, but secretly inside they wanted to "enlarge their borders" materially. They thought if they prayed this prayer, their mantra would bring them a cushy and happy life. Had they been spiritual, they would have ignored the frenzy of popularity toward the prayer of Jabez. Another clue, is when a particular act or prayer becomes popular among apostate churches, they have no spirituality or personal relationship of their own with God, so they must borrow from other ancient writers.

Christ gave us the way to pray in His Word, principles in ways to express ourselves, without repeating the exact words of Christ. The prayer God gave us was given to understand an attitude toward God that would please Him. No where in the Word does God say to pray the prayer of Jabez, He tells us to pray in this way, not exactly the Words, but in our own words based on these principles:

Matthew 6:9-13
"9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen."

We know that God does not want us to just repeat the words of the Lord's prayer because He said this:

Matthew 6:7
"But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking."

He wants us to address the Father in great reverence, accept His will, ask for what we need, forgive others as He has forgiven us, keep us from temptation; perhaps being specific about which temptations plague us, keep us from all evil and then praise Him for His love for us, His protection and provision for us. All prayer should be in our own words deeply from our own heart, and never a mantra repeated over and over, never someone else's prayer.

Any time someone comes forward with a "vision" or a "dream" or a word from the Lord for others, I am highly suspect. We have the Word of God, the principles in that Word and how God operates in nations. We have the character of God to show us right from wrong, there is no need for new visions or dreams to warn the people of disaster coming, it is already in the Word.

I have known for some time now that our nation is in danger of God's judgement, I didn't need a dream or vision, I had the Word and the Holy Spirit that informed me of what would be coming if we continued to dishonor and spurn God. If the Lord leads, I tell others of this warning, using His already written word and my own voice through the power of the Holy Spirit to convey the warnings for this country.

One more vision or dream will not convince the people, if they would not hear the Word of God, they will not listen when another miracle happens they will simply misinterpret it or explain it away.

The Word of God is what God gave us to speak boldly, any new visions or miracles are not need and even often distract people from knowing God. Far too many people are looking for miracles because they lack faith, they already don't believe God through His Word, why would they believe another miracle. They might show temporary interest, but it quickly dissipates as they feel no immediate consequence from the warning. Many get excited as they did with the movie, "The Passion of Christ", but when the emotions die down, they go on their merry way to continue as they always have. When God works in the hearts of men through the Scriptures and the conviction of the Holy Spirit, that is what makes true born again believers.

Pentecostals are often looking for visions or a special Word for two reasons, they love to appear special by getting a word for someone else, while neglecting their own superficial lives. The second reason they love these things is because they lack faith. They walk by sight and must have continual miracles to keep them on their superficially spiritual high.

Do not trust in dreams and visions, satan is going to use them to distract us, pervert our view of Scripture and dumb down our walk. Those who are not born again, must hear the gospel to be born again, all the miracles in the world will not make them more interested in the gospel.

Romans 10:17 "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

God never told us to look for miracles for our wisdom and truth or warning, He told us to know His Word.

Matthew 12:39 "But He answered and said to them, "An evil and adulterous generation craves for a sign; and yet no sign will be given to it but the sign of Jonah the prophet;"

Those who desire signs and wonders, are those who have pride and lack faith!

The definition of faith;

Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."