Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Ignore the Foolishness of the Liberals

God told parents to take care of their own children, we as a culture should encourage and teach parents to do the right things. If they want to indulge in an activity that can produce a child, then they need to be ready to raise that child.

Don't let any liberal tell you that if you are not adopting children then you should accept abortion. That is the silliest thing I have ever heard.

Parents Are Responsible For Their Own Children

There is a form of manipulation among the liberals that is diabolical. They want abortion, the right to murder children, so they attempt to guilt others into accepting abortion by making them feel responsible for the child if it is not aborted.

No one else is responsible for someone else's children. We are a culture that kills them because their parents don't want them, but they refuse to take on the responsibility of their own actions.

We have adopted children, but they were not our responsibility, we wanted to help, but we were not obligated to do so. To manipulate others into accepting abortion by trying to make them feel responsible for the actions of others, is irrational.

Every parent needs to care for the children they produce. If someone wants to indulge in immoral activity, then they should be ready to be responsible for their actions when a baby is the result.

Killing people is not the answer to a situation that is created by those who cannot control themselves.

God meant for babies to be the result of a loving marriage relationship, dedicated to life long commitment, not only to one another but also to that child. We must teach the highest standard, not the lowest.