Monday, September 6, 2010

A Letter To A Muslim

The gospel of Jesus Christ is simple, according to God's Word, the Bible, mankind is "desperately wicked, without remedy." We can not be good, there is no good in any man or woman. We have "all sinned and fall short of the glory of God." The Bible says that there is only One that is good and righteous an that is Christ Jesus. God said that the penalty for our sin is death, and that there are no good works of our own that could pay that penalty, not even death. So Christ came to earth, the creator and Son of God is One with the Father, and gave His own life to pay the debt that we owed. The sacrifice for sin was death of a perfect God, the death of an imperfect person would not do. Christ was the only suitable sacrifice and He did that for us, because He is love. God said "there is not greater love than that a man lay down his own life for his friend." Christ said, "if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father, because My Father and I are One." He said that I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man comes to the Father except through Me." All that God requires is that we place our trust in Christ Himself and believe that He is God that saves us from our sin and from Hell, then begin to follow His commands. When we trust Christ, He changes us, we do not change ourselves. He, "makes us a new creation, all things have passed away , and all things have become new." He "writes His law on our hearts." When He changes us we begin to have a desire for His ways, we begin to love Him and yearn for Him. We have a relationship with Him as a dear friend and holy Savior. "We love Him because He first loved us." Before He gave us this new nature, we had no ability to love Him or anyone else. After He changes us, then we can love because He comes to live in our hearts, in our bodies and He does the loving through us. He saves us, He changes us, He keeps us and then He works His good works in us. Christ said, "our good deeds are as filthy rags." His works in us are perfect, we are not perfect, but He is perfect. My deep undying desire is for Muslims to come to know Christ as their personal Savior and have the assurance of salvation through Christ Jesus. God said that we can know we are saved if we trust Christ. We don't have to guess or hope we do enough good to merit heaven. What kind of a god would allow 49% evil in His presence. Our God is a holy God and can not allow any evil in His presence, but thankfully He provided a way, that "we be holy as He is holy." And, that is through His Son Christ Jesus. Please pray today and ask God who He is and ask Him if this is true. He will answer you because our God is One who wants you to know the truth and He wants to be your friend as well as your God and Savior. Hallelujah!