Saturday, June 27, 2020

Should a Christian Protest, was the Question

We have a right to protest in our country but that does not mean that we should do so. We have no examples in the Bible of protesting against the government as we do in our day. There were no elections either except in modern times.

To answer your question Annie, I don't know if there is any Biblcial prohibition against "redress of grievances" with citizens against a government as we have had for most of the life of our country.

I know we are in the end times in which most things are going to be "ragingly insane", to think we can run around continually putting out brush fires only to have another one rise up, suggests to me that our mission is the gospel in a time when people need Christ more than they need the freedom to do as they please.

We could waste a lot of time marching and screening for our rights while missing our opportunity to bring the gospel to the lost right before the rapture.

My husband and I were involved in protests against Pornography and abortion back in the '70s. We were very busy attempting to put out the fires that were rising up here and there. Back then there were far fewer fires than there are now. We believed we were a basically "Christian" nation and could win some battles against evil.

The fact was that we were new believers and thought we could make a difference. What we found out was that the only real difference we could make was in the lives of individuals if they responded to the gospel. Then new believers would be changed, they would no longer walk lawlessly.

Even if we could change a law here or there and the people followed them, they would still go to hell if they did not trust in Christ.

It wasn't until we became more mature in our walk that we realized our mission as believers was to bring the gospel to the unsaved.

The short answer is that I see no mandate in the scriptures to protest and I see no mandate to not protest when the right exists. My thrust is to bring the gospel rather than putting out brush fires continually without any time left over to bring the gospel.

Protecting the Preborn Babies

Emancipation Proclamation
"The fact or process of being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions; liberation."

This could be done for the unborn just as it was done for slaves.

Sadly no political leader in our day would have the guts to do this because abortion is a political hot potato!

If You Haven't Changed You Don't Have the Holy Spirit

Every born again believer is able to say, "I am not what I used to be." Anyone who cannot say that, those who believe they have not changed in all their years, cannot be born again.

No one who is born again remains the same, they are growing and changing all the time as Christ in them is cleansing them daily.


We Cannot Change Another Person

(((( Susan Davis )))) says this:

" I want to talk about "Religious Spirits," you see we don't fight flesh and blood. Evil spirits can totally consume someone so that they are possessing and controlling someone.

Religious spirits work through people who call themselves "Christian" and even do a lot of Christian-looking things: go to church; run churches; run Christian organizations; write Christian books--but WATCH OUT, these Religious Spirits can turn on you like a wolf in sheep's clothing in no time flat.

They put you down with a smile and cut you to the quick with a glint in their are dealing with a demon. Now don't get all bent: there is no point in trying to tangle with them, you are debating a demon if you engage them, so don't bother: JESUS SAID: SHAKE THE DUST OFF YOUR FEET. HE also said not to even bring them into your home or wish them Godspeed or you enter into their same iniquity because they have demons.

The churches and the entire Christian community is like a minefield of "Religious Spirits" and ONLY THE HOLY SPIRIT can help you navigate this minefield.

Pray for the HOLY SPIRIT to guide you to ALL truth--to recognize the "Pharisees," the "Jezebels," the "False Prophets," the "False teachers," "False doctrines," "Wolves in sheep's clothes," and the "Hirelings."

Once you spot someone with the Religious Spirit--you are going to know it because they are mean-spirited, cruel, antagonistic, and they will make you question your faith--but don't let them.

Pray for them, YES, to be delivered from their evil spirits, but BLOCK them and be "SET APART" from them. It is NOT your job to "turn them around." Only GOD can change a heart. They have been sent from the evil one, to torment you. TORMENT IS NOT OF GOD--let me repeat this--TORMENT IS NOT OF be on guard, and pray for discernment."
(((( Susan Davis ))))