Sunday, October 5, 2014

Embellishing a Story for Ratings is a Sin

Lying, comes in many forms. Some of those forms are simple embellishments that make the story more exciting but in fact also lead one to believe something that is not truth at all.

Those who are masters of lying tweek their story just a little, by the time they have finished, their audience thinks everything they said was absolutely true, when none of it was true. I have seen this in the media more times than I can count.

Talk shows of every sort engage in this lying, just to get ratings. We must be careful not to judge a matter before the defense is in. When the media tries a matter before the court hearing they are engaging in "gossip."Never trust the ramblings of media hype and gossip mongering, allow all the evidence to be in first before making any judgments.

Proverbs 18:13
"He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.

Satan has a tactic that is very cleaver and frustrating, he accuses those of the very thing he is doing and those he accuse, are not. Unfortunately too many people believe his lies and the tactics work with most.

Thankfully we as believer do not have to engage with the master liars. We can refuse to believe a matter without proper evidence.

Debt is not Good for the Soul

Individually and Nationally!

"It is about time we stop going into debt, spending money we don't have on things we don't need to impress people we don't like." Adrian Rogers