Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Noah Account: a Picture of the Rapture

It was brought to my attention yesterday, that 70% of the babies in our county are born out of wedlock.

There are churches everywhere in this town, what is wrong with this picture?

My guess is that there are many if not all the grandparents involved are "not judging" and not passing on the seriousness of immorality. If they even believe it is immoral.

Too many people have shouted "don't judge" so long that they have forgotten, if they ever knew, that God hates sin and commands us to "abhor evil."

Abhor: to regard with horror, loathing, detesting.

There was a foolish saying when I was a young girl, that the older folks were saying to me and others, for awhile I believed it; referring to out of wedlock pregnancy; "only the good girls get caught, because they are not prepared to be immoral, they just fall into it out of passion on the spur of the moment."

After I grew up I realized how wrong this thinking was. I had several questions that I pondered that brought me to the conclusion that the statement was an unthinking one, coming from a worldly vantage point. And, Christians were saying this.

Notice that the thinking was not based on godliness but the character of the girl without God, based on the social mores at the time.

"Godly girls", do not find themselves alone with a man long enough for intimacy to occur. They guard their hearts and their morals. Our culture fostered this flippant attitude about morals by not teaching the standards of God at home and in our churches.

"What parents do in moderation, children do in excess" Bill Gothard

I would change this phrase a little to say "What parents accept in moderation children embrace in excess."

We were taught that dating was natural and normal, going off with a boy alone was acceptable, but that we had to control ourselves, but if we didn't there was compassion shown and no judgments made.

When I was young, the children of unwed mothers were adopted out often and the young lady was whisked away to another town to have her baby, so as to hide the shame of immorality. In some cases the mother would marry the father to give the child a family.

We see how far this has come, because we have focused on feelings and bailing sinful people out of their sense of shame, we have created a culture that has no shame. There are now baby showers for out of wedlock babies, there is smiling, laughing and revelry associated with the birth of an out of wedlock baby.

Jeremiah 6:15 "Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? No! They were not at all ashamed; Nor did they know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall; At the time I punish them, They shall be cast down,” says the Lord."

I have a deep compassion for the babies in these situations, because they are being raised to think that anything they want to do is alright. They are being raised in one parent families, often on welfare, with many different men waltzing in and out of the child's life at the mercy of immoral mothers.

Child abuse has risen dramatically since these loose morals have taken root. There is a natural aversion to harming our own children in this way, it is the boyfriends of the mothers that are abusing their live in lovers children.

Then of course there is the problem of abortion, murdering a child because the child happens to be inconvenient, the ultimate child abuse...murder.

I become angry every time I hear a commercial on the radio that says "it is for the children." It it a lie, an advertising ploy to get people to support particular projects and programs. If in fact, "it were for the children", then we would not have so many children who have only one parent, they would have two parents and born within marriage. If we loved the children they would not be shuffled off to day cares and government schools. If we loved the children we would not kill them to spare ourselves a little hardship.

There are more children in foster care than ever before, because these parents who were irresponsible in their behavior are also on drugs and alcohol. They are living lives that are devastating to the children.

What is the solution?

More believers presenting the gospel to these lost people, letting them see that they have sinful hearts and need to be saved from their sin and hell, then showing them that Christ paid that debt of sin that we owed by His shed blood on the cross.

Once a person realizes they are sinful and need to trust Christ, then their way of dealing with life will reflect one of holiness.

I have to admit that I have little hope for this culture, because they have heard the gospel, or a perverted form of it. When a person has heard the perverted gospel first it is very hard to get them to believe a better one, the true gospel. They have become inoculated to the truth through a counterfeit.

We know that God must open their eyes, however we are living in the last days of the gleaning, there will be very few who will listen.

Luke 17:26-27 "And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: 27 They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all."

We are there now friends, we are in these last days, everyone is doing what is right in their own eyes and no one will listen.

For 120 years Noah preached to the people, they would not listen and even laughed at him, but when the rain began and Noah and his family went into the ark, the world knocked at the door to be saved, but it was too late. The world perished without God.

Christ refers to Himself as the "Door." John 10:9 "I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture."

The evil is all around us now, we are hanging on by the power of the Holy Spirit, however we hate all that we see us and desire to go home soon, in the mean time we must tell the truth to those God shows us to speak to, and continue growing in holiness ourselves, that the world not have an influence on us and that the world does not be led to think evil of Christ.

The account of Noah and his family is a picture of Christ and the rapture of His church, figuratively speaking the ark is leaving soon, Christ is returning to snatch away His church will you be going too?

Want to learn how to become born again, saved from your sin and hell, send you a private message and I will give you my phone number or you can give me yours and I would love to have a conversation with you.

May all those hearing this message seek the Lord!!!!