Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Pollyanna Mentality Does More Harm than Good

I have a hard time with "Pollyanna's", the reason is that they cannot fix what is wrong or warn anyone because they never see the problems. They interpret everything in terms of their desired belief instead of what is real.

This type person cannot be helpful to someone who has been treated badly because they will be told maybe the perp really didn't mean it or we saw it wrong. They do not comfort in ways that help. Perhaps the "Pollyanna" mentality serves them so they don't have to face hard things.

If we are confident in the Lord we can see everything in reality and it does not devastate us.

Truth is freeing and pretense is bondage.

The are not as Confused as you may Think

This whole matter of "gender confusion" is nearly as irrational as one can get. I can understand someone who is deeply sinful wishing they could be the gender that they are not. What I can't understand is any doubt as to what they really are.

One only has to observe that they either "have one of those" or they don't "have one of those", to determine which gender they are.

Science proves it not only by observation but by function. The matter of gender confusion goes beyond insanity as it moves into the realm of the demonic.

In these last days we see how senseless it is that one would be confused about their own gender. Lacking good sense is a part of these end times.

The matter of choosing to believe the opposite of what God said is in fact demonic. Just as the devil spoke lies into the ears of Eve in the garden from the beginning, he is doing it now when mankind is deeply invested in personal esteem.

It is strangely against nature to want to be the gender that was not given to us at birth.

What was considered strange and ludicrous just 50 years ago is becoming accepted a little more each day.

It isn't bad enough that these gender confused individuals and those who promote it are confused themselves, but they are dedicated to forcing others to accept it.

Why, we might ask ourselves? Why do those who desire to be a gender other than what God made them, feel a need to force everyone else to accept and even endorse their behavior?

I think the answer is simple, those who have this disordered thinking really don't believe it themselves or they would be able to accept that others are not on board with them.

When we believe in what we are doing we have no need to force others to accept it, we simply live it out ourselves, even if we are alone.

The transgender person knows their behavior is deviant or they wouldn't need so desperately the acceptance or validation from others.

One of the traits of the narcissist is their ability to rage at simplest of things when someone does not validate them through disagreement. The narcissist must have the validation of others to exist. This is why they use many and varying manipulation and intimidation to force others to see them as superior.

Christ-like confident people have no need to intimidate others, they have no need to be validated by others, their security is in God and not man. It is the insecure person who must force others to accept whatever they are doing, they have no strength without the continual praise and confirmation of others.

It is wonderful when we know what we believe and can stand alone. It is also wonderful when we can fellowship with like minded people in solidarity.

God intended for believers to be strong alone and even stronger together. We are a family of worshipers of God, He is our strength and guide. Those who realize this are the best of friends because of their oneness in Christ.

When we see the world pressing in all around us, attempting to destroy us through their desire to control our thinking, we know that we have within us One Who is stronger than man and stronger than the devil, that is Jesus Christ.

No one can force us to believe or support that which is not blessed by God.

Psalm 29:1
"Ascribe to the LORD, O sons of the mighty, Ascribe to the LORD glory and strength."

Psalm 93:1
"The LORD reigns, He is clothed with majesty; The LORD has clothed and girded Himself with strength; Indeed, the world is firmly established, it will not be moved."