Friday, December 4, 2009

A Busy Day!

Today was a day that would be considered a normal uneventful day by most people. But today was more than humdrum for me. I spent all day praising the Lord for the little things. The lawn mower battery was broken. I took it into the repair man's shop where we purchased the machine. He checked to see if the battery was the problem instead of something wrong with the lawnmower itself. I was pleased to hear that it was the battery and that the repair man gave us another one absolutely free. I went home and placed the battery back on the mower and began mowing the grass for the last time this season. The pansies got planted for the winter and the clean up for the yard was completed.

This morning I took Ripley, our cat into the vet to make him incapable of fathering kittens. I was thankful that Rainier Hill, a very steep road, was not icy as it can be this time of year. There has been snow predicted for this weekend and there were ice pellets falling on the way home after Ripley's operation. I arrived home safely, another reason to be thanking the Lord.

The best answer to prayer of all was when the Lord spoke to me, reminding me that I could always count on Him, no matter what He will always hear me, love me and care about me. Just as He does for each and everyone who has confessed they are a sinner and need a Savior. In pondering the salvation message I recalled my relief many years ago when the Lord told me that I was not saved because I asked forgiveness for every sin I had committed, that would have been salvation by a work of confession. He showed me that I was His when I confessed that I was a sinner because of my human nature, and needed Jesus Christ, to pay the price for all my sins, past present and future. He then cleaned me up and made me a new creation. Then is when I had the Holy Spirit to guide me. The days seem full, even when they are "mundane", when I realize all that the Lord has done for me. The blessing is in what Christ did, then all the little blessings from God are much bigger than ever. They are all extra special presents from the Lord. He did it all forever.
