Monday, August 29, 2011

God Hears Even Our Unspoken Desires!

Angels visited our church,  an experience I once had in a little chapel near our home. Our little group of 10+ people had dwindled to four people, my husband and myself and one other elderly couple. There had been several deaths in the group over the past 10 years and we were the youngest of the worshipers when the gathering disbanded. One Sunday I was feeling very sad at the empty building that had once been vibrant with worshipers more than 60 years ago. As I sat in the pew with my husband and the other couple, I began to tear up over the emptiness of the pews, questioning God, "where are the worshipers?" I grieved for a time as I prayed for the Lord to fill the pews, realizing that it probably would not happen that day. Then suddenly I heard the back door open and close, I heard the sound of foot steps and rustling of benches as if there were people filing into them. Not wanting to disrupt anyone else I resisted the urge to turn a look at who was entering the pews. Then I heard it again, the door opening and the rustling of bodies filling up the pews. This time I looked, then our elderly friend looked, then my husband looked, we all heard the sounds, but as we turned in curiosity we found still empty pews. I began to weep even more as I realized God had seen my anguish and sent angels to join us. We couldn't see the bodies, but we could feel the love. I worshiped that day, more than I have ever worshiped, praising Him for sending others to be with us in our service, others who loved Him, others who have seen Him. I will always remember that day because of the love I felt. The Lord had not answered a prayer, He had fulfilled an unspoken desire for more worshipers in the little chapel on the hill. Hallelujah!!!