Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I Saw You In Church On Sunday

I saw you in church on Sunday, you looked good, your cloths were modest, your outside looked good. Only one problem.

During the week I saw you using other believers for your own purposes, I saw you disrespect the desires and hope of others, I saw you gloat about your own accomplishments, but had no encouragement for those who had deep concerns.

I saw you disrespect the elderly, withhold from those who could have used your help legitimately and give to those who were undeserving but stroked your ego.

I saw you praise the popular and neglect the neglected.

I lost heart, because those who claim to love Christ, showed no concern except for that which would make them look good.

Yes, I saw you in church on Sunday, but while openly praising the Lord you secretly despised those who were hurting and rejected those who wanted truth and holiness.

Yes you were in church on Sunday, but your worship seemed shallow and self righteous, adhering to rules God never intended while judging those who would challenge those in real sin.

You were in church, but you were not in the Spirit, but stood in God's house, full of self, full of self righteousness, and empty of love and empathy for those who were seeking Christ.

So sorry that those who are in church today have little concern for those who are truly seeking the Lord but have compassion for those who willfully defy the Lord.

Welcome to our brand of worldly Christianity. Selfish, self righteous, lacking Christlike love for those who seek Him and embracing those who have rebelled against Him at every turn.

May God have mercy on those who claim to be Christians but defy His principles and seek their own glory.