Friday, August 26, 2016

Irrational Derangement Prevails

O.K. it is official, the world has become insane almost completely. The New York City Commission on Human Rights has declared that there are 31 genders. LOL, LOL, LOL!!!!!!

Facebook in England has declared 71 genders.

In the town I grew up in, Gresham Oregon, there was a teacher who teaches elementary school who sued the school district because her fellow teachers would not call her "they."

She was awarded $60,000 by the school district for emotional distress.

If I were principle of that school I would have her detained for mental instability and charged with cruelty and child abuse on behalf of her students.

When I was growing up in that sleepy little town it had a population of 7,000 people. Today it is over 100,000 and growing. How did this happen? How could a tiny little farm community turn into a Sodom and Gomorroah in only one generation?

I think that teacher saw an opportunity to cash in on all this hoopla about gender and ran with it. She knew because she was in the teachers union she would never be fired and that in the present climate of fear, she would be guaranteed to come out like a bandit in a civil suit against the school district.

Sadly the school district caved, allowing the probability of many more such actions of insanity to continue and grow. When fear drives those in power, we can expect total chaos.

40 years ago we expected immorality to grow in these end times, but never did we expect the irrational mental derangement that is occurring now.

Maranatha! May the Lord come quickly!