Saturday, September 29, 2018

Hypocrites Can Never Be Rational

Liberals are master hypocrites, if you call them on their duplicity they rage furiously as though someone else did something wrong.

The reactions of many these days are irrational bordering on insanity.

2 Timothy 4:3 "3 For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires."

They are Watching Every Minute of Every Day and So is God!

If you think A.I. is not paying any attention to you, let me tell you the experience I had this morning.

My husband and I were hanging a picture advertising his tax business. During that event a friend texted me about something. I replied to her, sent the message and continued to hold the phone in my hand.

I was instructing my husband to straighten the picture a little more, some how my words got typed into the text box, I did not type them.

I glanced down and saw some words on the text thinking I had forgotten to send my reply to my friend.

After sending it I realized the words were not to my friend, they were the words I "said" to my husband, that I never typed. The text that went to my friend was "Yeah that's good right there like."

Those were the words I spoke to my husband but never typed.

My friend Carole replied, "It's A.I. working for you."

I laughed until reality set in that everything we do on the internet and on our phone is being monitored 24/7 without our knowledge. Its sort of like living in a Sci-fi movie.

Now tell me this is perfectly normal and natural for humans to live like this! If this doesn't sound like the end times events leading up to the anti-christ control over every human beings I will eat my hat.