Sunday, January 3, 2021

Three Tests of our Spiritual Health | James 1

Are You a Disciple or Just a Christian? | 10-MINUTE SERMONS

Returning to God's Ways

We live across the river from Oregon, the place where one in five families are depressed and hopeless according to some news sources.
The news commentator said that the children are depressed because they cannot see their teachers or their friends at school.
Think about it! The teachers and the classmates are more important to the children than their own families they live with. Perhaps this is because the school children spend more time with their teachers and classmates than they do with their own families.
Many children are not close to their siblings or their parents because they spend less time with them than those who are in their schools. It's just my opinion but I believe children bond more closely to those they spend the most time with.
In recent years the children spend five days a week with teachers and classmates and again after school in sports and other activities. In short, their parents and siblings were more distant to them than those they encounter every day at school.
Is it any wonder that children value their teachers and classmates more than they do their own parents? This was by design, the government wanted the children to be emotionally removed from their parents so they could have the child's allegiance and heart.
When I was growing up we said the "Pledge of Allegiance" every morning in class. We were required to express our loyalty to the state, not to God or to our parents but to the state.
Yes, they added "under God" to the words but only a sort of an afterthought and they never specified which God, because Jesus Christ was never mentioned. This plan to remove influence from the parents allowing the state to influence the children has been going on a long time.
The push to educate every child was a deception, justifying removing children from their parent's home emotionally while allowing them to remain living in their parent's home.
We see where this has led even though in the beginning the schools taught children to obey their parents and respected the parent's input into the school system. It only took a generation for the teachers to begin to believe they should be the authority in the child's life and the parents have no say.
This taught the children to disrespect the input of their parents. The respect for the wisdom of parents declined dramatically in the fifties and sixties and beyond because of the parent's mentality that the teachers were the authorities in the area of education.
Parents could have taught their own children. The parents could have enlisted the help of others who had more education in one area as they exchanged talents and knowledge that they were lacking. This way the parents were the authority figure in their child's life, something that is more important than the extra things the school system attempted to teach the children that they did not need.
Every parent that couldn't read could have turned to other parents who could read and the non-reading parent could teach life skills they had in exchange.
The government wanted to make people believe they could not teach their own children. They intimidated homeschoolers by making laws that the parent would be arrested if their child was not in school. There used to be such a thing as a "truant officer" who would come to the house to investigate why the child was not at school. This is a form of communism and the people didn't even recognize it. Perhaps they didn't see it because they enjoyed the absence of their children while they went about their day without having to teach and train their own children.
The break down of the family began way back in the day when the public school system was first implemented in 1635. At first, the school system was run by a board of parents who made good rules, the Bible was used as the first reader and the teachers were unmarried women to protect the children. Those women had to be moral and dress accordingly.
As the culture became more liberal and less moral the schools followed suit. That is when we began to see the teachers teaching things that parents did not approve of but had no control over.
Now the public school system keeps secrets from parents as to what they will teach and even administering approval of abortion to young people without their parent's knowledge. This is how far we have come in our socialized version of communism.
The parents often do not know what the teachers are teaching as well as what approval they are extending to the children for things with which the parents might not agree.
My suggestion to Christian parents is to go back to the Biblical standard of a mother at home teaching her own children while the husband earns the money to support what is going on at home.
Proverbs 31 is a good guideline for the family structure, God's way works well.