Saturday, April 2, 2022

Micro-Expressions Explain Why We Sense Something is Off

I have encountered friends or family members who would roll their eyes or make a grunting sound as though in disapproval. Without any strong gestures, there were facial expressions and head movements that demean.
I have learned that only 7% of communication is words, and 93% is non-verbal. Part of the reason for these non-verbal expressions it to be able to deny it because we cannot prove it. I also think other reasons are that the person expressing themselves non-verbally doesn't even know their feelings are leaking out through their face or head movements.

Narcissists hate honest communication, if things are open and honest they cannot get away with demeaning non-verbal communication because you have asked them to explain their expressions.
I have also encountered someone who was laughing while I was talking when there wasn't a joke or reason to laugh. It was as if they wanted to make me feel silly for the things I was saying that was not silly at all.

When asked why she was laughing she said; "I don't know", which is also an indication that the laughing was mocking. No one laughs without a reason. If what I said was funny she would have told me what she thought was funny, not "I don't know."
Those who will not communicate openly and honestly are hiding aggression.
I am convinced that often people who hide their real selves are not able to completely hide when they communicate in non-verbal expressions. There is also such a thing as micro-expressions in which the face does things that are so subtle that we pick up on them but aren't sure what we are seeing.
Have you ever felt like something was "off" and uncomfortableness comes over you but you just can't put your finger on what you are sensing?
When we study the micro-expressions we can see that we are actually seeing something almost on a subconscious level or better put, a spiritual level that no one else can see.
I have had a very strong sense that something about someone was off but did not avoid them until I prayed, then God showed me what was wrong in a more dramatic way. Those who are deceptive can be very sly in the way they express themselves. Sometimes it helps to ask questions, "what did you mean by that" or "why did you do that."
An angry person who is hiding will become angry at our attempts to get to the bottom of things in honesty. A humble loving person will explain to you what was happening and even be pleased that you cared enough to ask.
Angry people cannot tolerate any level of accountability or any attempt to understand them. They want to hide and are deeply agitated when someone discovers the real them.
A humble person is blessed by those who want to understand them. Openness and honesty are preferable to the person who loves God and others.
John 13:34-35
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this, all will know that you are My disciples if you have love for one another."

Loving godly people don't mind being vulnerable in conversation. They do not feel threatened by questions or disagreements.
Hebrews 10:24
"And let us consider how to spur one another on to love and good deeds."
Those who love God love the brethren so much that they want to walk in honesty, openness, and vulnerability to one another.