Saturday, October 28, 2017

Claiming or Really Believing

It's easy to claim we believe something when we are not faced with the challenge. Do we believe when we have to step up?

Can we still believe what we claim, when expressing it will lose us something?

To Disregard the Principles of God is to Disregard Him

Why do I write so much about the things I see happening around me?

The answer is simple, I become frustrated at the continual violations of the Word of God on the part of Christians, and know that 99% of the time when I voice those concerns, NO ONE will listen. Not only does no one listen, those who violate God's word hold in contempt the believer who dares to point out the sin. While those who are accepting of the sin are encouraged to treat with contempt the one who stands for God's word.

I recently encountered a young woman who is a believer, she has all the right words and even the lifestyle of a believer, however, she has been dating a man who is not a believer. Although he shows an interest in some things about God, he has never made a profession of faith, nor has been convinced in his heart that Christ is the only way to heaven.

Also of concern to me is that the parents of this lovely young woman seem to be satisfied that the man she dates is friendly, kind, has manners and has a job. Because they do not want to experience the loss of a daughter, they capitulate in their belief that an unmarried woman should not be linked, through dating or marriage to someone who does not love God.

All dating is a precursor to marriage. If one is dating then there is the expectation that marriage will be in the future. If dating is not a plan of the future, then the dating is simply playing with fire.

A young believing woman who is giving her heart away to an unbeliever is placing the love of that man over her love for Christ.

I know that I risk enduring contempt once again as I write my concerns. I will be accused of writing instead of speaking to the person, even though I have no expectation that this person would listen to me. If I spoke to this person I would be accused of a mean spirited delivery, if I say nothing they will accuse me of saying nothing. I am "dammed if I do and dammed if I don't."

When someone is being encouraged by all the family and friends that surround them, it is most unlikely that they will listen to someone who has not been a part of their life, someone who has been neglected and ignored nearly all her life, is not someone that would have the ear of anyone in that circle. In fact I would be considered an interloper, since in times past I was told through intimidation and mocking that I had no business telling any of them the wisdom I desired to share from God's Word. Basically I was told, in covert manipulation, that I had no business inputting into their lives and should mind my own business, even after they told me their plans. I guess I was suppose to listen, shake my head politely and approve of every single thing they decide.

In other words, I have been told in no uncertain terms that I have no business counseling any of them on the matters in their life. They claim to be believers, but want to live their life without my counsel or my concerns, so I have to believe they would never listen to me anyway. heart grieves about what I see going on, the flippancy with which the word of God is being ignored, while His principles are spurned, as though they are of no concern at all. As long as everyone is happy, the one who comes along and places the fly in the ointment by disapproving of violations of God's Word, will be the one neglected, hated and treated with contempt, as though they are doing something wrong.

Satan always makes the one who brings God's truth, look like the trouble maker, while those who violate and mock God's principles are elevated with kind and loving responses.

Proverbs 27:6
"6 Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful."

I have prayed that the Lord would give me the right words and the time to speak to this young woman, but I am getting no inkling from Him that I should do so.

I know that I can never attend the wedding of a believer marrying a non-believer, that will also be a sad day for me. I had to do this a couple of times before, declining to attend the marriage of a divorced person who was remarrying, that too left me an object of gossip and mocking.

I have to keep remembering that Christ in me will not leave me at peace while encouraging someone in their sin. The hard part is that most believers do not consider it sin to date a non-believer.

Unbelievers are in rebellion against Christ, there is no expectation that they will ever seek Him for their standard in life.

Why does God say not to be "unequally yoked"?

1 Corinthians 15:33 " 33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good character.”

When we link ourselves with those who do not love God, they WILL influence our ways. They will not be interested in the principles of God that direct us in raising of children, our entertainment, our desire for worship or holiness in the household.

The terrible true is that unbelievers are "god haters." They will not respond favorably to the expression of their girlfriend/boyfriend or wife in the matter of life toward God.

They may go along in the beginning because of their infatuation but that infatuation will fade the moment we assert our standard that reflects our love for Christ. When we find ourselves having to turn down activities and correct blasphemous language, the ire of the unbeliever will emerge, even if one believes "this man or woman would never act like that", comes from serious lack of experience and discernment.

The non-believer will be angry when we refuse to watch a particular show on television or will not attend the weddings of divorced and remarried people, or decline to attend many ungodly and God dishonoring activities that we cannot bring ourselves to participate in.

The non-believer will enjoy many things of the world that we hate. They will be angry when we will not participate. All that gooy lovey stuff will disappear the day we begin to realize we cannot go along with the things an unbelieving spouse enjoys doing.

Unbelievers have no standard, they have no Rock on which to base their actions, everything they do is based on the culture, those people who encourage their sinfulness and their own selfishly desire for pleasure. Unbelievers do not take disagreement or criticism well, they will fight and argue to win even when winning takes them to an undesirable place.

There are many books that warn young Christian women to avoid the pit falls of dating or marrying a non-believer, I could even write a book like that, but really all anyone needs is the Bible, that gives commands and principles regarding obedience to Christ. If we are seeking the Lord with all our heart, He will warn us and we will run like the wind from anything or anyone that dishonors Him.

I keep remembering that one who has been held in contempt by ungodly family members for years, is not likely to have a voice in anything they do. The Lord has helped me come to terms with this over the years, but once in a while I have to grieve over the mess I see others making of their lives, because of their refusal to seek Christ.

Proverbs 8:17
"I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me."

Deuteronomy 4:29
"But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul."

Lamentations 3:25
"The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him."

There will be consequences for those who ignore God's principles, that is the grief that comes from watching a believer completely disregard Christ.

To disregard His principles is to disregard Him.