Saturday, May 5, 2018

Wants are not Needs

Women who have remained in the home all their lives might relate to what I am about to say.

Narcissists are not satisfied with doing their own thing, they must intimidate others into accepting them and even doing what they do. The feminists have managed to brainwash many women into thinking they are without value unless they are bringing in an income to supplement their husband's earnings.

The world is getting worse because we are in the end times, that's why it is so important to know what the 2 Timothy 3 crowd looks like.

I don't have many friends except on facebook, because I have been in the home for 46 years taking care of my family, it was seen by many as a lower position in life, sadly.

Having been treated shamefully by family members who see me as stupid for not having a "career", I spend a lot of time being ignored at family functions because I had no talk about a "career. And yet my life was busier and more diverse than most working women. I worked hard in the home, as hard or harder than any woman who went outside the home to earn money.

We lived on my husband's income all these years and are completely out of debt for most of those years. I don't think women go to work for the money, they do it to appear successful by having a "career." I don't say these things to brag, only to demonstrate that it can be done if one is frugal.

I saved us lots of money by doing things that many people pay others to do, including painting the outside of several of our houses whenever we moved. I did the yard work, sewing and mending, cooking, errands for needs for the home and even volunteer work.

It is amazing how many things people buy today that are completely unnecessary while have a hard time paying the real bills, causing women to work outside the home, thinking they need all these things.

Over the years I have been left out of conversations as a non-entity, treated as though I had no brain for my choices, but I have a clear conscience and much joy that I obeyed God.

Nearly all women can do what I did, they just have to resolve themselves to the dedication of their family. I have always been fulfilled, never bored, a little lonely at times as the only homemaker in the neighborhood, but too busy to feel it much.

We used to live in a world in which all the women were home supporting their families as one would a company as the CEO. It was normal for women to take care of all the homemaking tasks, this freed the man up to be able to work bringing in the necessary money that was needed for the family.

God gave each of us roles, the man to earn the living and the women to use it to take care of family life for everyone in the household.

If one takes a close look at Proverbs 31 we see that the woman did all the household managing and even took some of her household money to buy a field as an investment. She did not work outside the home five days a week leaving the care of that household to others, the field was only a part of her duties.

Managing a business is a big job, arranging for everything to get done while shopping for the best buys to make the money go as far as needed. The Proverbs 31 woman was not a wasteful woman, she was dedicated to doing the best job possible, excellence for her home as well as managing the money well.

Of course over the years I had to learn how to manage the money well, it didn't come naturally for me, I made mistakes that had to be corrected, but the learning came as I went along.

No matter what income one has, if it is managed properly without spending on unnecessary things, it can be enough. Choosing a smaller house, leaving off things like cable tv, internet and other unnecessary things will leave the household with enough money to pay all the bills.

The fun stuff is only for those who have extra money after the bills are paid and there is enough in savings for important emergencies.

I know this is not going to sit well with some people who think the fun stuff is necessary, I am here to tell you it is not! We can be happy and fulfilled without all the play things we think we want. There was a times early in our marriage when there was no cable tv, no internet and only one car in the marriage. We still don't have cable tv, the cost is outrageous, we can afford it but I don't want to waste our money that way.

Often, getting the play things seem important, but once they come into the house they are used for a little while and then sit in the corner of a closet unused. We tire of things quickly, its human nature to want something we will never use. I know because the walls of my house have hangings that came from garage sales and thrift stores, they are not needed, if we could not afford them, I would not do it.

Lastly, we do not need the best of everything. We can live on garage sales and thrift stores but only on a budget and for necessary things. We don't need to eat out in restaurants either, I know many will think this is necessary, but there also was a day when doing something like this was once a year for a special occasion, mostly people ate at home.

If one evaluates every thing they are thinking of buying, most of it will not be needed, they could set the money aside and watch it pile up as they realize how little we buy that we need.

Philippians 4:19 "19 And my God will supply all your NEEDS according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus."

Did we see that? "NEEDS", not wants!!! We need food and clothing and probably far less of those things than we think.