Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Marriage is a Commitment, Not a Car Ride

There are those who claim living together before marriage makes for a better marriage because you can get to know whether or not you are compatible. HOGWASH, these lines are nothing more than an excuse to use someone to see if you want to commit.

Everyone who engages in this practice is lacking respect and commitment. No one is compatible with another person, we have to develop compatibility through the work of learning about another person, that is not what we do in bed, it's what we do when we work out dilemmas, care enough to give up our own desires for the sake of another and from choosing to love through our attitudes and actions. It takes the love of Christ to be able to understand this commitment and dedication.

The facts show that those who live together without marriage have a higher rate of divorce than those who don't do it, it comes down to respect. If we do not respect another person enough to commit our lives to them without using them first, then we will not respect the marriage covenant either.

People are not used cars, you don't take them for a test drive, allow a serious bond and then decide later you will not bother making them a permanent part of your being, notice I said being, rather than life.

Romans 7:2-3
"2 For the married woman is bound by law to her husband while he is living; but if her husband dies, she is released from the law concerning the husband. 3 So then, if while her husband is living she is joined to another man, she shall be called an adulteress; but if her husband dies, she is free from the law, so that she is not an adulteress though she is joined to another man."

God's principles are for the protection of the family and each member in that family.

The Flames are Very Close

We have a prayer request. My husband's sister and her husband live about an hour and a half from us, they are being evacuated from their home in the hills because of the fires.

The fires are only a half a mile away from them, the air is full of smoke and the flames are licking up around them. They are in the process of gathering their important items to evacuate. They have a couple of options for places to go to be safe. We have offered our warehouse if they or someone else needs it. The warehouse has a kitchen, bath and bedroom, so it would be adequate.

We have been watching ash fall on our car today, with the windows all open last night because of the heat, the tables in our home are covered with ash from all the surrounding fires.

Only just two days ago I had not been paying attention to what was going on and was not aware of how much was burning in our state of Washington and across the river in Oregon.

May the Lord protect the believers as they are displaced. May the Lord bring many unbelievers to Himself as they see their need to trust in Him.