Saturday, July 19, 2014

Spiritual Wealth not Material Wealth

How far from the first century church has the modern church strayed?

No place in the Word do we see an example of an "altar call."

There is no model of "tithing" in the church, only one command given by Christ.

2 Corinthians 9:7 "Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

No where in the word does God say anything about the government becoming involved in the financial status of the gathering in the form of the 501c3 status to avoid paying property taxes. The business meetings distract believers from the important things of God. They are burdensome and time wasting.

There is no concept in the church of God to allow for a one man pastor. The term "pastor" refers to a gift and not a title or position. There should be more than one man with this gift in any gathering and in the larger gatherings several. When all men are required to be involved, they are more likely to lead their families too, and grow in the Lord. Too many men remain spiritual babies because they sit like lumps every week without responsibility while another man does all the work.

There is also the problem of the one man pastor becoming arrogant and dictatorial. I have actually heard it said that "I am to protect MY pulpit." Wow, the Bible never says this, every preacher or teacher needs to be bathed in the Word and prayer and is subject to correction and even rebuke if he strays from good doctrine.

In the modern church women are forbidden to pray and prophesy as God commanded, and the women are discouraged from covering their heads.

1 Corinthians 11:5 "But every woman who has her head uncovered while praying or prophesying disgraces her head, for she is one and the same as the woman whose head is shaved."

Some modern churches are violating the mandate that the men be the leaders and are allowing women to be leaders.

Divorce and remarriage is not discouraged, but endorsed, while some of the pastors are divorced and remarried.

No where in the Word does God tell us to buy special building to meet in or that the gathering must have "business meetings." These buildings and meetings have become a distraction from the real purpose of the gathering, which is to worship, equip the saints and to provide for the needs of missions. To make matters worse, many buildings have mortgages, again, which are not necessary when meeting in homes.

If we followed the first century model of the church gathering, we would understand that "the church" is not the building but the born again believers who come together.

If we followed the first century model of the church gathering we would not place rules about tithing, but would trust the Lord to work on the hearts of people as needed.

If we followed the first century model of the church gathering we would not have altar calls but would preach the Word leaving the results to God, never needing to count the numbers that feed our personal pride.

If we followed the first century model of the church gathering we would not indulge in worldly worship leaders. The only worship leader in the church should be the Holy Spirit. I see no value in having young people up on stage showing off to be seen by men, while distracting the congregation from true worship.

If we followed the first century model of the church gathering we would not be having "short term mission trips." When the church sends out missionaries, they should be seasoned believers who have been proven to be witnesses in their home town, having lived a lifestyle sold out to Christ and working for Him all along. These missionaries would not be expected to come home, they would stay on the field with those in their charge until they die. The coming back and forth costs thousands of dollars and produces very little. If a missionary is not strong enough to trust Christ without coming back to their country of origin, then they are not worthy to be missionaries.

If we followed the first century model of the church gathering we would not need nearly as much money as is spent on the buildings that look more like fancy rock music centers than they do a gathering of God's people.

If we followed the first century model of the church gathering we would not be using any books other than the Bible to bring God's message. Men would not be mentioned as authorities from the pulpit. If someone is a writer and has said something Biblical, then God should be quoted not the man.

Our modern church has strayed so far from God that it is no longer blessed by God. Many will think they are blessed because they have a lot of money and many people, unfortunately a truly blessed congregation will be blessed because they are small, walking in the Spirit and staying to the Word of God. Blessings is not material wealth but Spiritual wealth.