Sunday, October 27, 2019

Know God by Knowing His Principles

Knowing God's word so well that if it were taken from you, you would still know all the principles in it to be able to explain them to someone else even without a Bible.

When we were children we rode our bikes all over the valley, continually on them every day for years. After we grew up we may not have ridden our bikes anymore as busy adults, but when we got back on a bike after many years of being off there was no need to think about how to do it, we just get back on and take off as though it had only been a few days since we rode it last.

When we are so well versed in the principles of God through continual reading and prayer for many years we will never forget them.

There are some people who like to memorize the Bible. This can be a good thing but it is far more valuable to know in the depth of our being the principles than just the words on the surface. When we know the words without the depth of understanding we have little wisdom from that.

However, when we know the deep principles well having been enlightened by God, we might forget the words but we will never forget the principles. Even able to express the principles flawlessly in our own words but every bit the meaning God intended.

God said, "hide my word away in your heart." This did not have to do with memorization, it had to do with knowing so well His principles that forgetting the exact words would not be a threat to us, because the principles of God stand firm in any language. The words we memorize in English will not help us if we pick up a Bible written in another language. We cannot read that language so the words mean nothing. But the principles of God transcend every language, they are not in a "language" they are a heart attitude, a full measure of truth that can be known in any language.

It is far more important to understand the principles that will remain in us even if our Bibles are taken away.

Memorize if you like to, but better yet know the principles so well that there is automatic adherence to truth without having to search our brains for answers. When we know His principles in the Bible so deeply we dream in them, we will never forget them.

Anyone can memorize words, but when the words are forgotten without the understanding the meaning dissolves. If we have the meaning and understanding, even if the words are removed we know truth, it will never leave us.

Psalm 119:10-12 "…10 With all my heart I have sought You; do not let me stray from Your commandments. 11 I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You. 12 Blessed are You, O LORD; teach me Your statutes."

Seek God with all your heart and He will bring the understanding.

In Control or Controlling?

Being the person in control does not equate to being "controlling."

When we are in control we are guiding others without micro managing them.

Those who micro manage others are actually out of control. They do not feel they can trust anyone else to be intelligent enough to handle their own area of expertise.

In fact a controller usually has the false belief that they know everything about everything. They have experts on their team but do not recognize that those experts know more than they do about their particular field of expertise.

When I hire a plumber to come to my home to fix a problem I expect him to know how to do his job. I tell him the need and walk away to leave the final decisions for the job up to the plumber.

A man is the head of the household but he is not the one who is expert over all areas of managing that household. The woman, according to Proverbs 31 was given the job of household manager by God, she is to do that job according to the principles of God. The man has no business dictating or controlling her job.

Of course the man makes suggestions and discusses the major things with his wife so that she can do her job according to the mutual desires and needs of the household.

Husbands are not to bark orders at their wife as though she is a paid employee who could be fired for insubordination. Husbands are to live with their wives in understanding and respect.

Respect is not just for the husband on the part of the wife, it is also required in God's word that the man respect the needs and abilities of the wife. Honor and respect toward the wife is a command of God.

Sadly there are those in the homeschool movement who are teaching that only the man is to be honored and respected. This is false and damaging to a marriage.

1 Peter 3:7-8 "7 Husbands, in the same way, treat your wives with consideration as a delicate vessel, and with honor as fellow heirs of the gracious gift of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered. 8 Finally, all of you, be like-minded and sympathetic, love as brothers, be tender-hearted and humble.…"

God calls all believers to be mutually submissive one to another.

Ephesians 5:21-6:4
"21 Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God."

5 Ways to Be Closer to God