Monday, September 5, 2022

Don't Look Back as Lot's Wife Did

God took Lot out of Sodom and Gomorrah to save him from the filth and preserve him from the wrath of God on the wicked.
When God removes you from the narcissists do not look back and turn into a pillar of salt like Lot's wife!
God specifically told them as they were escaping, "don't look back." I think this is a very good analogy I heard one person use on the internet.
When God has taken us from the company of those who do not love God or us, do not try to get them back. Our minds tend to gravitate toward doubt that maybe we were too hasty or misunderstood.
I have returned to old relationships from time to time only to discover my hope that they would be different after years of absence was all in my mind, it did not happen, in fact they were exactly the same as when we parted company, only worse.
Narcissists tend to become worse as they get older because their life is established and they no longer try to fit in anywhere anymore. The real them shows up in old age.
Ecclesiastes 4:13 "13 Better is a poor but wise youth than an old but foolish king who no longer knows how to take a warning."
Proverbs 1:7
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction."
Those who despise wisdom will grow old in foolishness and ignorance only thinking they are intelligent and wise, they are neither.

Over-sharing is a Problem when Dealing with a Narcissist

I have learned to withhold as much information from narcissists as possible.
Attempting to explain anything to them is to make them the winner in their game. Do not play their game, decline to engage.
They want you to explain and grovel and even lash out so they can feel good about themselves making you the bad guy.
Narcissists love any kind of explanation from us because it fuels their fire to come back with an argument. They have no interest in resolving anything, introspection to learn about themselves or understanding you.
Everything is a competition to appear superior. When we are born again we have no need to feel superior to anyone else. We have complete confidence in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and He is the only One that matters.
If we love Christ Who lives in us we will love people, but they will have no control over our emotions, actions, or mental well-being. Only Christ determines all these things.
Narcissists want us to be controlled by our own feelings imploding any sense of self-control or accomplishment for Christ. The purpose of all of the devil's tactics used by narcissists is to unhinge us taking our focus off of Christ and onto ourselves.
If we do not care if people like us if we are popular or if we are elevated above others we are free to follow Christ without these hindrances.
This is why we remove from our lives those who foster fleshly feelings and attitudes in us through their attacks. Satan's goal is to disarm and debilitate the believer to be unable to stay focused on what Christ has for them to do.
1 Corinthians 15:33-34 " 33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good character.” 34 Sober up as you ought, and stop sinning; for some of you are ignorant of God. I say this to your shame.…"
If we focus on what the narcissist is doing to us we will become disarmed and impotent for the cause of Christ. If we focus on Christ without concern about what others do to us we will be free of the effects of the narcissist's antics. They will be like water off a duck's back, not even worthy of notice.
We only notice them to remind us of their strategies, and to warn others to be aware and avoid them when possible.
Narcissists have the ability to keep emotionally charged people in a state of continual disorientation, questioning every move they make leaves them unable to carry out God's plan for them.
Here is what we are seeing now and can expect to increase as we move further into the end times prophetic events, God was clear in the following passage.
2 Timothy 3:1-5
Difficult (ragingly insane) Times Will Come
"3 But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come.
2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, slanderers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy,
3 unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good,
4 treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,
5 holding to a form of godliness although they have denied its power; avoid such people as these."

A Rebellious Culture Relies on their Feelings without Facts

The narcissist will be angry with you but will refuse to tell you what they are angry about, you are supposed to guess. If you ask you are snarled and snapped at as though you should have known and will not tell you. Secrets to hide their intent are a tool on the narcissist tool belt.
Narcissists want you to feel frustrated by having to wonder and guess why they are upset. There is no "talking something out" to come to a resolution with the narcissist, their love of conflict and their desire to win overrides good ole fashioned horse sense.
Perhaps it is impossible to rationally discuss a matter to resolve it with a narcissist because they don't have a legitimate problem with us, they just use the pretense to control our emotions so we will blow up into anger. If we become angry they can feel justified that they tormented us.
As a child, I had a brother who would poke at me, poke at me and poke at me until I shouted at him to stop. Then he would say to me; "see how you are", as though I was the bad one for blowing up. This is the goal of narcissists, they hate those who are kind and good-natured so they must do something to cause a reaction in them that proves they are not as good as the narcissist thinks.
Narcissists want you to continue shame and guilt over a past that no longer exists. Even guilt over times when you didn't do what they wanted you to do that was not sin. Even kind acts toward the narcissist are taken as manipulation because when they do a kind act it is manipulation on their part. They believe others are just like them and cannot stand someone who rises above their childish foolishness. Narcissists have a bratty six-year-old mentality, irrationally in competition with those they wish were beneath them.
Many church groups have their own rules that God never commanded but they believe are written in stone because a leader decided what everyone else should do. They will intimidate others to obey their rules and if someone refuses to obey them, they will call them names like "rebellious" or "unreasonable", even though it is the narcissistic church leader who is rebellious and unreasonable.
We can always tell if someone is a narcissist, they are mean-spirited without compassion and empathy as they dictate orders to others that God never commanded. Get away from these leaders they have no authority over you, no matter how much they try to make you the bad guy for following God instead of them.
We are free in Christ to follow Him and His Words in the Bible without adding any extra human words to what He commanded.
Galatians 5:1
"For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery."
Feel free to say things like; "the Bible does not say that", or "God never told me to do that." If you think the person talking to you might be teachable then you could ask them to show you in scripture where they find that rule and actually have a discussion about the matter using God's Word. However, very few people in this generation are teachable, they think they know everything because everything they think they know is based on their emotions or a desire to believe a certain way. Their emotions and desires dictate their beliefs not facts.
The beautiful thing is that we are free to ignore legalistic mandates instituted by men that are not in God's Word. We are free to think with the mind of Christ in logical rational and Biblical ways without a sense of guilt or shame about it.
Mark 7:13 "13 Thus you nullify the word of God by the tradition you have handed down. And you do so in many such matters.”
Be free to evaluate everything a man says by testing it against the Bible, if it is not Biblical discard it as nothing more than human tradition.

Mark of the Beast & Christ's Return in Revelation - Dr. David Jeremiah