Friday, January 8, 2016

God Blesses Those Who Soldier On

Just heard of another couple spitting up!

Too much money and too much welfare, we are more likely to bail out of something if we are going to have plenty of money, without the other person.

Then of course there are the despicable friends and family who will get angry at anyone who suggests that someone remain with a spouse and work things out. There are also those who facilitate the divorce and remarriage by remaining friends with those who will not listen to God's Word on this matter.

The society as a whole is against correction and soldiering through anything. In short we live in a spoiled brat culture that bludgeons the one who brings good sense to anything. Many have tantrums at the suggestion that they are not thinking Biblically and must reassess their standards.

Life is hard, get over it!!!!! We all have pain and difficulty that we wish we didn't have to endure, it's life!!! When we "soldier on" going through with integrity, repenting when needed, forgiving when needed, we find ourselves better people at the end of the trial. There is wisdom to be gained by remaining in difficult situations, wisdom and victory should be the goal, not a perfectly happy life exactly the way we think we want it.

Aren't we glad soldiers don't bail out when they are protecting our country? aren't we glad that firemen, police officers and rescue helpers are willing to risk their own safety to help others? When we think in these terms those who come to mind are our children. Children are devastated by split marriages and they are equally devastated when a new spouse enters the scene.

Those who bail out miss important and life giving lessons, while the family could remain in tact to start again, only better than before. We can't stop others from acting in hateful ways, but we can do our part to grow in holiness, in most situations, we can save a marriage, if we seek God, depend not on the other person to change, but that we might change in our responses.

Most people today go into marriage with the mindset that there is a way out if we don't like what we get. This is selfish, almost a guarantee for divorce and remarriage.

Our culture does not understand that God hates divorce and forbids remarriage after a divorce. The culture thinks we can poke God in the eye time after time and He will sheepishly slink away to do our bidding.

God cannot tolerate sin, He will not withhold the consequences of it from those who walk in rebellion. We must not use the culture as our mentor or standard, it is an abomination in our day. We must use the standards of God if we are to see spiritual blessing and emotional safety.

Isaiah 59:2 "But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, And your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear."

I met a woman who was perplexed because she had been the victim of a man who left her high and dry through divorce. She had no say in the matter and didn't want the divorce. She became a Christian and began trusting Christ for her needs. Day after day she experienced God's blessing without telling others of her need. She received anonymous letters in her mail with just the right amount to pay a bill, she was given a car when someone saw that she didn't have one. There were many blessings like this in her life as she trusted Christ.

Then one day she met a man in a "divorce recovery" Sunday school class. They began to date and eventually married. She just couldn't figure it out, after she married this "wonderful Christian" man, the blessings stopped, she didn't get answers to her prayers and just couldn't figure out why.

Many divorced and remarried people seem to have good lives, they have their needs met, but they often have problems with children, either through illnesses or rebellion. When we disobey God, He removes His protection and provision from us, allowing us to flounder on our own, without His help. Even those marriages that seem to be so good, have difficulties in ways that are directly related to disobedience to God's Word.

We don't ever get away with sin, at some juncture there will be consequences, even if we don't see them immediately!