Thursday, June 17, 2021

Bad Advice from the Devil

A dear Facebook friend shared with me that others were pressuring her to date as a divorced person. This friend is committed to remaining single as commanded by God until her spouse dies or she is reconciled to her husband just as Christ commanded.
I am sharing my response to her because I believe there are many who have been abandoned by spouses who are being pressured by others to defy God's commands for the sake of having someone in their life, a sort of dependence on a person to fulfill them rather than being satisfied and dependent on Christ.
Here was my response to her:
Amazing isn't it, "God wants you happy" is a phrase nowhere found in the scriptures. God the Father who put His own Son on the cross to die for the sins of others "wants us to be happy"?
I am always astonished at how "nosy" others can be about our lives but would be angry if we suggested to them what they should do with theirs.
Perhaps it's the devil using their mouths the way he used Peter's mouth when Christ said to him, "get thee behind me Satan." He was looking at Peter and telling the Devil to shut his mouth.
One last thing, why do so many people assume a woman cannot be happy alone with Christ? It is insulting when someone suggests that we must have a "partner" or "dating" in order to be fulfilled and happy. I suggest they are very myopic (lacking imagination, foresight, or intellectual insight.)"
One of the things I have noticed in these last days is that many "Christian" people are bold when it comes to suggesting others disobey the Word of God, but are not bold in supporting someone who desires to obey Christ.
Perhaps the best thing is to make it clear to these "busy-bodies" that you are not looking for suggestions on how to live your life, but that you are expecting support from God's people when choosing obedience to God. However, if there is no support from the so-called "Christians" then you can go it alone with Christ and be filled with joy even if no one goes with you.
Also perhaps a good response to unbelievers who suggest we disobey God might be, "I prefer you encourage me in the scriptures rather than attempt to influence me to dishonor God."
Perhaps we need to be bolder although kind in our delivery, making it clear that we will not receive advice that defies God.
Just something to think about.