Monday, December 19, 2011

Chrislam: The Next Wave

The new wave coming at us with great force is one more piece of the puzzle and one more entry that completes the puzzle. This entity is called “Chrislam.” This may be one of the most frightening marriages since Billy Graham proclaimed Mother Theresa a godly woman. Mother Theresa worked hard all her life attempting to teach to the Indian people that we needed to work our way to heaven and that adding Christ to your existing religion will make you a better Hindu or whatever religion you wish to retain.

Jesus Christ made it clear in His Word that “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

There have been many clerics in the past, who have been promoting the idea of melding all religions into one, but they were hidden and worked covertly. The concept would have not been accepted in mainstream American churches as a widely taught concept, until now.

Now our culture and the world are ready, and very few believers (compared to the Christian population) raise an objection to this unholy alliance between Islam and Christianity. When we fuse these two entities together Christianity ceases to be Christianity, if fact those that promote it could not be saved or the Holy Spirit would warn them. The inklings from the Holy Spirit would be so strong there would be no need to even consider the question, there would be an automatic rejection of the idea.

Islam denies the deity of Christ, not to mention that the entire premise of the Islamic faith is based on a false moon god who has no son. If one were to read the Qur’an they would realize that it is a religion of war, torture and murder, while Christianity is based on self sacrifice, peace and love. Those who know the Qur’an and have come out of it will tell you that there is no concept of love in Islam.

The very foundations of Christianity are based on the premise that we are “desperately wicked” and are in need of a Savior. The Bible tells us that when we come to Christ desiring to be saved, He shows us that His love was so great that He gave up His life for us, in payment for the terrible debt that we owed. We have offended a Holy God and must repent, after which He saves us, cleanses and keeps us until He comes for us.
Islam will tell you that all those who will not choose Allah, should be killed. Interesting, Our God died for us and the God of Islam kills those who will not follow him and commands others to kill all the infidels. The opposite of Christianity is displayed in Islam.

Christ sacrificed His own life for us to demonstrate how much He loves us. Christ desires that all would be saved and gives everyone of us a choice to follow Him.

Allah kills those who will not follow him. The tenets of Islam teach the torturing of women and has wickedly devalues them. Christ taught men to love their wives and care for them as “the weaker vessel.” The term weaker vessel in the original language denotes a highly cherished and delicate pottery to be carefully cared for.

Allah teaches that there is no forgiveness for sins against one another and teaches to exact revenge . Christ teaches us to forgive those who have offended us and to bless those who curse us and spitefully use us.

As we can see from the comparisons, Islam is the opposite of Christianity and can in no way enhance the Christian walk, nor can Christianity remain Christian when it fuses with Islam.

I have to believe that a true believer would never entertain the idea of consolidating the pagan religions of the world with Christianity. This is the apostate church spoken of in the Bible. It is more than just moving away from the principles of the Word of God; it is a wicked attempt on the part of Satan to blur the lines between true Christianity and the pagan religions, confusing those who are already lost.

When we compare the attitudes of the Islamic faith with the attitudes of the Christian faith we will see that they are completely opposite and this makes sense, because Islam is a satanic religion, its author is the father of lies himself.

The greatest foundation of our Christian faith are that Christ, the Son of God came to die to pay the debt for sin that we owed, and that we can not work our way to heaven. Islam completely rejects this notion, when it says that Allah has no son and we get to heaven if our good works outweigh our bad works. The god of Islam says that a follower can get into heaven with 49% evil on his soul and Christ says that the Holy God of the Bible will not tolerate any sin in His presence. That is why Christ was the sacrificial lamb, it had to be a perfect sacrifice to pay the debt of sin and Christ the Son of God was that substitute for us. This is an incredible contrast that can not be ignored.

Islam and Christianity are polar opposites that can never meet. Those who follow Islam are headed for hell and those who follow the risen Christ are on their way to heaven, it is just that simple.

WARNING! Islam can never meld with Christianity! It is a religion orchestrated by Satan and he and all his minions will end up in the lake of fire along with those who will not trust Christ and Him alone.

God's Forgiveness Man's Responsibility

It is amazing how the Lord connects our relationship with Him with our relationship with man.  Everything God has shown us in the Word about His character is a picture of how we are to act toward our fellow man. 

When the Lord commanded us to come to Him for forgiveness and confession of sin, it was for the purpose of reconciliation.  His death on the cross was His offering to us, to come and receive freely His forgiveness and salvation from sin and hell.    

“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man comes to the Father except through Me.”  John 14:6 

God never says that He forgives if we are not repentant, or if we do not come.

Acts 3:19  “Repent therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.” 

We must make the effort to come, and so is it true that we must go to our friends to be reconciled to them, just as we needed to with Christ.  When we pass over this step of repentance with friends, we leave out a very important step in our own growth and we can not be reconciled to our friend fully. 

So often we think that all we have to do is a good deed or two to make up for our sin against a brother, hoping that time will dissipate the wrong and the good deeds will outweigh the bad ones causing reconciliation.  The problem with this understanding is that God requires us to confess our sins to Him and one to another.  God does not like our gifts when we are attempting to buy His forgiveness.

James 5:16  “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man avails much.”

It is interesting to me that right after the statement, “confess your trespasses one to another” is the statement “the effective prayer of a righteous man avails much.”  I believe these statements are together because our prayers are hindered when we refuse to go and confess to someone our sin against them, hoping the effect of our sin will dissipate like a fog as the warmth of the sun falls upon it.  The problem with this theory is that it is not what God said for us to do.  The sun of our good deeds on the fog of our sin, will not dissipate a harm or emotional hurt that we do to another believer.  The offended may chose to obey God in the verse that says “bless those who curse you.”  But there is always a mistrust in the heart of the offended because there has been no confession of wrong doing.  The Offended is left with the conclusion that the offender must have thought it was alright to do what they did. 

The Lord made provision for reconciliation with Him through our confession and acceptance of His free gift on the cross.  It is also true of the believer who has offended someone.  The provision of forgiveness is there in the heart of the offended, but the offender must confess to receive it. 

Unfortunately our culture thinks that there is no confession required as the pagans think, that as long as enough good deeds are done to the offended it will wipe away all sin against them.  This thinking comes from all the pagan religions of the world that say we must do more good works than bad works to earn heaven.  Even in relationships we think of God the way we think of our personal relationships, that if we do enough good to them, it will wipe out all the offenses.  God did not operate this way. 

It is my belief that God wanted us to come and confess our sin and receive His free gift, the same way He desires us to go to the offended party and receive their free gift.  But if we do not go to God to confess, and we do not go to the offended to confess, then we are still prideful and think that if we just do good works to obtain forgiveness to our God and to our friends, then we are living a Christianity of works, not only in our Christianity but also in our personal relationships.  God is not concerned about many good works, He is concerned with the heart.  Only those who confess can be reconciled to Him and the same is true in human relationships.  God desires that we be reconciled and so does the brother who was harmed.  The one, who does not confess, is the one who does not care more deeply about the relationship than they do their own pride.

If I have been wronged in some way, I will be suspect of the person who comes with gifts.  Perhaps the gifts are to relieve their own conscience and really has nothing to do with the harm they have done to me.  The relationship can be cordial but it is never close until the offending party is broken enough to place himself in a position of humility and coming in sorrow that He not only offended a Holy God, but that He harmed the one he claims to love.

Love and humility can not be separated.  If we love God, we can not knowingly ignore the fact that we have harmed another human being.  With this kind of humility there is no thought of “my rights.” The humble brother cares more that he may have harmed someone than he does about his own justifications for his sin. 

If we are to follow Christ’s example and obey His Word, we will set aside any pride that may be keeping us from admitting our sin, or even just going to find out what our sin may have been if we think we have not sinned.  If someone is offended, we must go to that person, not with the attitude of winning them to your side, but in humility desiring to find out where we failed. 
Matthew 5:23-24   God does not say wait until your brother tells you, He says “IF you remember that your brother has something against you”  then we are to go before our brother has a chance to tell you.  If we do not know whether we have harmed someone and they clearly tell us, we do not look for ways to justify ourselves, we place ourselves in our friends shoes to attempt to understand why he was offended, this is love.

God’s way is best!  It is never effective to bring gifts to the altar of God and expect that He will be pleased with us when we show no sorrow over our sin.  The same is true of human relationships.  It does no good to bring a gift to a hurting friend, when we caused the hurt, and never clearly state our sin against them.  The gift becomes suspect, and the relationship can only remain superficial because there is the belief in the offended party that the offender was not sorry they harmed us, only sorry there is a strain on the relationship. 

Satan loves when we can not talk things through and clear things up.  He loves it when relationships remain superficial.  We have a problem in our culture of treating human beings the way we treat God.  If we can not openly speak with friends about our sin, we are probably hiding from God too.

God does not want our sacrifices, He wants our heart.
Man does not want our gifts, he wants our love. 
Gifts only count when there has been love displayed previously. 
Gifts given from a loving heart are two gifts given.