Thursday, March 30, 2017

No Corrupt Talk From Believers

Today I was pondering something that has become common in the news feed these days, posted by Christians.

Let me inform those who think they are being spiritual by writing the first and last letter of a filthy word with stars in between the two letters absolves them from any judgment about using filthy language.

First, there is no need for any believer to use filthy language to get their point across, none whatsoever.

Secondly just because you leave out a couple of letters doesn't mean you have not used the word.

In my judgment and opinion, anyone who desires to use a word but appear not to use it by leaving out letters is still putting the idea into the mind of the reader. It is merely an excuse to use the word but claim not to, absolving them of any accountability.

Perhaps those who use these filthy words with missing letters think they are protecting them through plausible accountability, but I am not fooled by it and neither should any thinking Christian.

When a believer desires to use a word, even leaving out a couple of letters, they are revealing that they watch too many movies with this filthy language, have become accustomed and desensitized by it, that they no longer feel shame about hearing it or using it.

Jeremiah 6:15 "15 "Were they ashamed because of the abomination they have done? They were not even ashamed at all; They did not even know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall; At the time that I punish them, They shall be cast down," says the LORD."

Ephesians 4:29
"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."

Bottom line: using a filthy word while leaving out a couple of letters is the same as using it. The picture comes to mind in the reader and the damage is done. The more people hear this crude and filthy language, two missing letters or not, they will be influenced to use it.

When I was growing up there were no crude words used by anyone around us. In school most children didn't ever hear these words because it wasn't in the movies nor did anyone around them ever use them. Now we have Christians using vile and filthy language that even non-believers would have spanked their children for using if they even knew them.

Brothers and Sisters, if you have used this language simply to make a point, then please confess the sin and clean up your act. You will be responsible for those you influence.

And, don't come here arguing that it's alright or that you didn't mean anything by it, it won't fly!!!! Just confess it and move on to never do it again.

Are You Growing?

When a person is mean to someone they are idolizing themselves, I know many Christians who are mean to others. Sin is present every day in the lives of many Christians. Christians walk in unbelief all the time. Our entire culture doesn't believe God about the head covering, it is disobedience for a woman to be uncovered in the gatherings, but most women in churches today refuse to do it.

Sin is sin, it does not matter how big it is, however when someone walks in sin without conscience over it and even defending it, it is quite possible they have never become born again.

Many "Christians" watch wicked things on television, they do not lose their salvation but they are delaying character growth and fostering a spirit of disobedience through the example of these things.

Many Christians refuse to pray when we ask them to pray about a matter, there is great pride in most of the Christians I have met. This is also sin, they are even proud of themselves for not doing certain sins, while walking in rebellion against God in many things they consider to be small.

NO true believer will be "sin free", but they should be growing in holiness, sins should be falling off their entire lives. I see so much arrogance in the church today, many Christians with their thumbs in their suspenders acting superior because of the sin they think they don't do, this is sin in and of itself!

We need to confront sin in the body, even if all we see is pride. Pride alone would be enough to send a person to hell. It's the sin that got the devil thrown out of heaven. But because Christ died, shed His blood and rose again, believers can become born again by trusting Him. NOT my doing good deeds or avoiding bad ones, but by trusting Him. Then He will come to live in them and begin the process of cleansing which lasts throughout our lives until He takes us out of here.

If we are not continually morphing into a better person, new attitudes, new responses and new desires, then perhaps the "born again" experience never occurred.

Think about it!