Monday, February 1, 2016

Scripture Quoted Out of Context is Sin

Amen, Amen, Scripture quoted out of context to fit our own desires or to be elevated in the eyes of others, is evil. Lying against God's Word to justify an attitude of superiority, has been condemned by God. Not all of us had or have narcissistic mothers as this person had, however we have encountered others in our life who are like this. The Bible gives us a clear description of these people. God showed us in His Word what these people look like, He knew that in these end days we would encounter them frequently. We are not to allow these people to have full reign in our lives, they will prevent Spiritual growth as well as damage our witness for Christ. They will also damage relationships that might otherwise have been good ones.

Satan uses these people to destroy believers, but we don't have to let them, we can know their tactics while loving them from afar through prayer. I hope this is helpful to those who have been battling emotionally the tactics leveled against them by these evil people.

May Christ guide you as you prayerfully decide how to handle these destructive relationships.

Go to the link to see the talk!