Saturday, October 10, 2020

I Hate What God Hates

Normal? Why On Earth Would We Want "normal" Back Again

In a comment on one of my posts, a Christian sister challenged a couple of people to think more deeply about their statement that they "wanted things to go back to normal in our country." She chastised them for not understanding what normal was in our country and that is was not good or godly.
My response to her was that she was absolutely right!
Lolly Magana wrote:
I was on another thread today and I mentioned that going back to normal meant child trafficking would remain, child abductions, abuse, murder and abortions. I included that normal also included drag queens and LGBT community engaging with children in their kindergarten and elementary school classes demonstrating and teaching them their ideologies and lifestyle. I mentioned that normal included out of control homelessness and an epedemic of drug abuse never seen before in this country. I said we need change. A christian woman, who has all the little varied colored scriptures on her FB page, responded: "your comment is out of context". I responded that since when is crying out for the unborn and children, out of context?
Her response was," you are putting words in my mouth and I don't want to talk to you anymore".
She then proceeded to block me and one of our mutual fb friends blocked me as well. My point is that many christians are all talk and huge church players and they are in for a rude awakening. Her name was Annette Alderman and his name was Joseph Allaire and God knows who they are and well.
Gwendolyn responded:
Thank you Lolly, You are correct in all that you have said. Most people who say they want things to go back to normal really mean they thought all this was alright as long as it didn't touch their safe and cushy lives. You didn't lose anything by their deleting you. I will copy and paste your comment and my response to the status.

Old and New Testaments, Fulfillments

Adrian Rogers: How Not to Raise a Fool [#1045] (Audio)