Tuesday, May 26, 2015

"I Never Knew You"

I have thought of this a lot as I watch the apostates claim to be "Christians" while enraging when they are confronted with a challenge to seek God or to repent over sin. I have witnessed the hate and anger regularly when we correct with Scripture, someone who is a professor but not a possessor of the Holy Spirit.

They think they are spiritual because they just say so, what they forget it that words mean very little, it is easy to say anything you want, but the act of saying doesn't make our words true. Our actions and attitudes will prove the words, in fact few words are needed, when the life matches with the Holiness of God, there will be no need to declare what you are. Living out our Christianity is far more powerful than mere words.
Seems to me those who declare the loudest are often not what they claim, they must declare intensely to convince others because in their hearts they know that they are not what they claim, the words often replace the actual being and doing.