Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Just "Saying Stuff" has no Value!

So many Christians are thinking just "saying stuff", is tantamount to "doing something." I am called to the gospel, not to overthrow a government.
I was involved in politics back in the day, but as prophecy began to show its increase God showed me to switch my focus from effecting government to speaking the gospel and teaching God's principles.
There are people who attempt to make us feel guilty by not talking all the time about politics. I have lost all interest in politics because no leader in our day is going to please God.
Even if we get some things we think we want, they are worldly without wisdom about God's plan.
We cannot know God's calling on every life and we cannot know God's plan. We know what is happening but we don't know the sequence of events God is going to use as He brings the world into the tribulation.
Personally, I don't want to do anything that would thwart what God is doing merely so I can live a happier safer life. He has clearly stated that we are in the end times, the nations will be waring, the people would be wicked and He will bring it all down for its willfulness against Him.
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
2 Peter 3:9
"The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance."
Ephesians 5:17
"Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is."
Many churches in our day are apostate, they say they are "Bible Believing" but reject many if not most of the commands of Jesus Christ in His Word.
They seem to think if they follow a few things they are alright. The truth is that God expects us to follow all that He has in His Word. Jesus Christ is called the WORD, He is the very essence of His own Word, the Bible.
When we reject any part of the Word, refusing to go to prayer and study to clear up disagreements, then we have rejected Him.
I know that sounds harsh, but there are those who would argue with Jesus Christ if they were standing right in front of Him. It would be the same as reading His word and refuting it because they dislike what He dictated to His prophets.
Just saying!!!!

The Nations will follow the Antichrist

We are now seeing other nations of the world using the phrase; "make our nation great again."
I am convinced this is the mantra that will bring the world together, soon shouting "make our world great again" when the antichrist convinces them that he will be the one to make it great with all his plans.
He will appear to save the people from misery only to bring on much more than they had before. He will be the cruelest ruler of all time because he is the devil and will harm everyone whom he claimed he would help.
Those who follow him will go to hell without a chance to repent and be saved from the fate he has for them.
Revelation 13:3 "And I saw that one of his heads was, as it were, wounded to death, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world wondered after the beast."
Those who are looking for an earthly leader to save their nation or the world will be easily duped by the antichrist. They will be excited about his promises, fooled by his false miracles and believe every false way and word that he says, only to be cast into the lake of fire at the end of it all.
The devil has many clever devices to make people think he has something good to offer them. He has convinced many people their life here on the earth is the most important of anything, but in reality it is only their eternity that matters.
Hebrews 3:7-8 "7 Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says: “Today, if you hear His voice, 8 do not harden your hearts, as you did in the rebellion, in the day of testing in the wilderness, "
Hebrews 3:15
15 while it is said,
“Today if you hear His voice,
Do not harden your hearts, as [a]when they provoked Me.”
Today is the day to turn to Christ and be cleansed by Him. You may not have tomorrow. No one is promised a long life, but we are promised salvation when we trust in Christ or hell if we refuse.
Joshua 24:14 "14 “Now, therefore, fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord."
This was written to the Israelites but it has application for us today. Not all things were written to us but all things were written for us to learn and heed.