Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Democrat Party the Face of Narcissism

Democrats are died in the wool narcissists. Narcissists act like bratty six year olds having a tantrum when they don't get what they want.

This is not to say that Republicans are much better its just more blatantly displayed among the Democrats. At least the Republicans have the rationale to show a little decorum in public, something the Democrats have nearly completely lost.

They lie and don't care that they lied. They rage at nothing and claim they have a reason.

They start trouble and blame the trouble on the one they attacked when the victim won't put up with it.

The Democrats idea of good is to allow evil to grow while persecuting law abiding citizens.

The democrats are ragingly insane following the pattern of 2 Timothy 3 end times attitudes while living as though they have a right to be this way. Well they do, the problem is that their right to "swing their fist ends at the tip of another man's nose", as Lincoln put it, but they don't think they have to end their right at the end of someone else's right. They will mock, intimidate and malign the character of innocent people to make them mind their will.

We could say these things for any system that dominates and intimidates others to do what they want. There are families like this too, the strong one in the family sees the problem and exits as quickly as they can to avoid the continual pressure to be like the rest of the narcissists.

It is hard for me to believe that any one who remains a Democrat in our day is a decent person. One only has to read the Democratic platform and watch the antics of the people they must vote for to see what tattered and shredded morals these types have, for them to determine that reasonable people could not associate themselves with such angst.

While not perfect at least the Republicans have learned to some degree to hold their wrong attitudes in check to be able to work with others. The Democrats have no desire to work with anyone, their only aim is to kill anyone who will not bow to them.

We know they have a murderous mentality because of the blatant and open threats they make against our president and others who are officials not of their stripe.

These childish and mean spirited people will follow their opponents to restaurants taunting and mocking them as though they do not have a right to their own opinions and boundaries.

What kind of a fool in office stands up in public before the media and proclaims they wish someone would kill our president. Yes elected officials have done this and no punishment came to them. It is a crime to threaten even with words a sitting president, and yet these low lives got away with it without even a chastisement from their own party.

This folks is the 2 Timothy three raging insane times we are living in, when full grown adults can act like bratty children and get away with it.

2 Timothy 3:1-5
“Difficult Times Will Come”
3 But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come.
2 For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy,
3 unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good,
4 treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,
5 holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these."

I don't normally spend a lot of time on politics, I am not a citizen of this world but of heaven but remain responsible to speak the truth while I am here on earth.

Perhaps a Democrat will think about their own behavior and those they support, to realize how ugly it all is and choose to be changed into a new creation by Christ to become loving and kind to others around them.

It does not matter what party one belongs to when they vote, however, might it be prudent to choose a party that reflects loving kindness and goodness for the country as a whole.

Just saying!

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